Fighting Aging Without Needles or Surgery

Written by Victoria SImone

When we are children there is a considerable amount of effort expended inrepparttar cause of looking older. Much ofrepparttar 135872 world seems cut off to us because of some silly little thing called age. We adorn make-up like our mothers to appear older than we really are and have a lot of fun doing so! And then—we grow up and suddenly we arerepparttar 135873 adults we always wanted to be for all those years and then all we want to do is look younger than we really are! Life is so funny sometimes, isn’t it?

Andrepparttar 135874 great news is that we have an abundance of options available to us these days inrepparttar 135875 fight against gravity and time. Products and procedures are seemingly being developed almost daily and this really is a great time to be alive! People are definitely looking younger longer now and we certainly have science to thank for this.

I don’t know aboutrepparttar 135876 rest of you but I would rather avoid “going underrepparttar 135877 knife” and walking down that plastic surgery route if at all possible. And though Botox® appears to be a great alternative, I am not too keen of needles either and there are certain side-effects and drawbacks to this treatment option. Bruising, drooping eyelids, difficulty breathing, muscle weakness and headaches are some ofrepparttar 135878 known side-effects of this product and there is still that needle thing, isn’t there? Now I don’t know about any of you, but anything that is derived from Botulism, a dangerous and sometimes fatal form of food poisoning, isn’t exactlyrepparttar 135879 kind of thing I want coursing around my veins!

Fighting Aging Without Needles or Surgery

Written by Vic Damone

When we are children there is a considerable amount of effort expended inrepparttar cause of looking older. Much ofrepparttar 135871 world seems cut off to us because of some silly little thing called age. We adorn make-up like our mothers to appear older than we really are and have a lot of fun doing so! And then—we grow up and suddenly we arerepparttar 135872 adults we always wanted to be for all those years and then all we want to do is look younger than we really are! Life is so funny sometimes, isn’t it?

Andrepparttar 135873 great news is that we have an abundance of options available to us these days inrepparttar 135874 fight against gravity and time. Products and procedures are seemingly being developed almost daily and this really is a great time to be alive! People are definitely looking younger longer now and we certainly have science to thank for this.

I don’t know aboutrepparttar 135875 rest of you but I would rather avoid “going underrepparttar 135876 knife” and walking down that plastic surgery route if at all possible. And though Botox® appears to be a great alternative, I am not too keen of needles either and there are certain side-effects and drawbacks to this treatment option. Bruising, drooping eyelids, difficulty breathing, muscle weakness and headaches are some ofrepparttar 135877 known side-effects of this product and there is still that needle thing, isn’t there? Now I don’t know about any of you, but anything that is derived from Botulism, a dangerous and sometimes fatal form of food poisoning, isn’t exactlyrepparttar 135878 kind of thing I want coursing around my veins!

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