Fight back Against the Wave of Greed - Teach your Kids to Make Home Made Gifts

Written by Joey Lewitin

Fight back againstrepparttar wave of greed Teach your kids to make home made gifts by Joey Lewitin To a large extentrepparttar 135617 holidays have come to be more about materialism thanrepparttar 135618 original values of peace, harmony, and faith. Advertisers hit us from all sides with messages of greed and pettiness. Every media outlet is rife withrepparttar 135619 idea, “buy this, or they won’t love you.” In such an age, it is important to remind children aboutrepparttar 135620 true meaning ofrepparttar 135621 season. This can be done, to some extent, by haltingrepparttar 135622 cycle of gift buying and giving, and encouraging them to makerepparttar 135623 gifts they give by themselves this year. This has several major benefits.

1. In buildingrepparttar 135624 gift you will be spending time withrepparttar 135625 child doing something constructive.

2. It will teach themrepparttar 135626 value of money. The item they buy would have to be made just likerepparttar 135627 item they make themselves. Money doesn’t just appear it has to be earned, and then traded. So money is trading work, for work.

3. It will engage their imaginations and creativity.

4. The gift they create will be much more meaningful, and you should let them know that.

As you can see, there are a number of benefits to having your child build a gift themselves. At a young age this is obvious, many kids already do, but as they grow up it becomes more and more likely that a young adult will simply dole out some cash to get gifts for others. This is an unhealthy mind set to get stuck in. You should reassure them that if they spend some effort planning, designing, and building a gift, it will be a much more powerful and poignant gesture then simply takingrepparttar 135628 easy route and going torepparttar 135629 mall. Building a gift is easy. Different levels of skill can accomplish different things of course, butrepparttar 135630 mediums are fairly similar across all ages.

When Should Your Baby Wear Shoes?

Written by Cassandra Germsheid

When should your baby start wearing shoes?

There is actually a bit of controversy about this question. Some pediatricians recommend that your baby not wear shoes until at least 15 months of age. Others feel that a child should start to wear shoes as soon as they're walking. However, you have to consider where your baby is walking. If they are cruising around your own home, then there is usually no need for shoes. But what about outdoors? Obviously you wouldn't want your child running around barefoot on cement or inrepparttar dirt. Babies should be wearing a firm shoe in this case to prevent injuries (and dirty socks).

Shoes are also protection from sunburn, cold weather, scratches and bumps. Just make sure that when your baby hasrepparttar 135570 opportunity to go barefoot, let them. And don't keep shoes on for too long at a time.

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