Fight The Fluff!

Written by Robert Warren

The first and final rule of quality writing is this: what doesn't strengthen your writing, weakens it.

There are no neutral words when you're trying to be persuasive - every word must be doing real work and every sentence must be necessary. Don't say in two sentences what you can say in one; don't use five words when you can use three. Don't use a five-syllable word when an available two-syllable word meansrepparttar same thing. Takerepparttar 128977 fluff out of your writing.

Fluff isrepparttar 128978 often subtle cancer that grows - and ultimately kills - good writing. If your writing isn't achievingrepparttar 128979 effects you want, consider a few ofrepparttar 128980 warning signs of a fluff infection:

Redundancy. Analyze your writing for places where you are repeating yourself. It happens often, particularly whenrepparttar 128981 writer isn't convinced thatrepparttar 128982 reader will getrepparttar 128983 point without it. Give your reader some credit. Make each point once and make it effectively - and then don't make it again.

Tangents. A good piece of writing is one that makes a single effective point, supported by other lesser ones; anything that doesn't directly contribute to that support structure is a distraction and an excuse to stop reading. Don't take readers on side trips and don't let them catch their breath. Cut out anything that doesn't directly advancerepparttar 128984 final cause.

Ornamentation. Ornamentation happens when a writer is hit with a sudden burst of creativity, andrepparttar 128985 writing ends up saddled with clever turns of phrase that don't contribute anything but wit. This is what Hemingway was referring to when he advised writers to kill their darlings - art is all well and good, but make sure it keeps its day job.

Be Brief

Written by Militza Basualdo


When writing, always try to be brief. Unnecessary words are a lazy person’s habit, wasterepparttar effort ofrepparttar 128975 writers and reader and muddyrepparttar 128976 thinking and decision making. Here are some tips:

•Makerepparttar 128977 first paragraph clearly staterepparttar 128978 purpose answering in a general wayrepparttar 128979 who, what, when, where and why. Letrepparttar 128980 reader know what you want him/her to do.

•Discuss only one subject in each paragraph,repparttar 128981 same subject thatrepparttar 128982 topic sentence introduces.

•Never say in a paragraph what you can say in a sentence. Never say in a sentence what you can say with a word. Never say in a long word what you can say in a short word withrepparttar 128983 same meaning.

•Where data can stand on its own without explanation let it.

•If something is “needless to say”, why say it?

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