Fight Cancer With Broccoli Sprouts

Written by Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

Fight Cancer With Broccoli Sprouts

I have an old friend who has just gone in for colon cancer surgery. I am on vacation in Oregon and got to see her for less than 5 minutes as she was headed for a doctor's visit.

Cancer is so common now. And it could occur in any of us, if we do not addressrepparttar things that might keep our immune system from functioning properly. This could be our diet, our chemical exposure, our emotional issues and much more.

So I wanted to add a reminder today of something that is easy to add intorepparttar 142381 diet and is very good at helping all of us fight cancer.

Fight Cancer With Broccoli Sprouts

Mom was right to insist on us eating our vegetables. She knew they built good health, gave usrepparttar 142382 minerals we need and more. But perhaps there are some things she was not aware of. One of them may have been sprouts.

Broccoli sprouts are rich in a compound that provides significant protection against breast cancer and colon cancer.The compound is called sulforaphane glucosinalate. Sprouts grown from certain types of broccoli seeds contain up to 50 times more of this compound than mature broccoli.

Eat Greens To Protect Your Eyes

Written by Jeannie Crabtree

Eat Greens To Protect Your Eyes

Eating more dark, leafy green vegetables could help protect your eyes from ultraviolet light known to cause cataracts, according to a study out of Ohio State University.

The investigation testedrepparttar ability ofrepparttar 142380 antioxidants by using cells fromrepparttar 142381 lenses of human eyes. Samples were subjected to aboutrepparttar 142382 same amount of UV light a person would be exposed to if getting a mild tan.

When lutein and zeaxanthin were added torepparttar 142383 samples UV damage inrepparttar 142384 eye cells dropped by about 50 percent to 60 percent.

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