Feminism - How the left uses women...

Written by NoDNC.com staff

The article title is adapted fromrepparttar story inrepparttar 150017 Bible, Genesis Chapter 3 verses 6 and 7. It is fascinating at just how close that Biblical passage is torepparttar 150018 evil of feminism today. Just as Eve destroyed her family's future throughrepparttar 150019 serpent's deception, feminism is destroying women and families throughoutrepparttar 150020 Western World.

Women have been deceived, lied to and misled, byrepparttar 150021 feminist movement. The feminist movement has NOTHING to do with freedom for women, it seeks to enslave them while lying to them that they can have freedom. Just likerepparttar 150022 serpent lied to Eve. One of feminism's primary goals is to destroy women's families, EVEN AGAINST THEIR WISHES and by force if necessary.

Today, study after study shows that women are less fulfilled by trading in a family for work. I don't know of any working mother who wouldn't love to stay home with their children rather than leave them at day care. But they continue to eat ofrepparttar 150023 forbidden fruit.

Interview With A Former ACLU Lawyer

Written by Jay

For God And Country Forever Surrender To The ACLU Never” I hadrepparttar benefit of getting an interview with Mr. Reese Lloyd, a former ACLU lawyer affiliated withrepparttar 150016 largest Veterans Organization in America,repparttar 150017 American Legions. When I calledrepparttar 150018 media relations department there and inquired about their support for Public Expression of Religion Act of 2005 , this isrepparttar 150019 man they referred me to. I soon found out why. This was a very passionate, wise, and well spoken man.

I first inquired of his history withrepparttar 150020 ACLU, how he became employed with them, and why he eventually disassociated himself with them. He informed me that he had worked two janitor jobs while attending law school. One dayrepparttar 150021 ACLU did some kind of fellowship interview, and he was given an internship with them. He eventually went on to be on their staff. He focused inrepparttar 150022 area of worker’s rights with special attention torepparttar 150023 deprivation of speech inrepparttar 150024 workplace…such as whistleblowers.

So why did he leave them? He said, “it was in part because around that time they established a separation of Church and State Staff Position.” He informed me that, “This was funded by Norman Lear and several other Hollywood millionaires.” It seems even back then that Hollywood sided withrepparttar 150025 secular left. He went on to say that, “the very purpose of this staff position was to push “establishment clause” lawsuits againstrepparttar 150026 government.”

At this point he got pretty fired up, and dominatedrepparttar 150027 conversation for a while. I didn’t mind…what he had to say was passionate and cut right torepparttar 150028 truth of things.

“I think it is important that we shouldn’t forget that we had a civil rights movement that was needed in our history atrepparttar 150029 time. I was around to see segregated bathrooms. There were black and white water fountains. You could sit at a lunch counter next to someone like Charles Manson because he was white, but not someone like Martin Luther King Jr. because he was black. The ACLU played a helpful role inrepparttar 150030 civil rights movement defending these people, and I can’t turn my back on that. I have to give credit where credit is due.”

“But….that being said, what they have done inrepparttar 150031 past is completely eviscerated by what they do inrepparttar 150032 present. The ACLU has become a fanatical anti-faith Taliban of American religious secularism.”

I don’t think I could have come up with a better more colorful description myself. I think I will be sending him a Stop The ACLU T-Shirt. But wait…he was just getting warmed up! He went on to say….

“I have done more cases for minorities and civil rights violations myself thanrepparttar 150033 whole bunch of them put together. I was inrepparttar 150034 trenches ofrepparttar 150035 Civil Rights movement. They can’t tell me anything about civil rights. We did that 40 years ago, and we accomplished that goal. There are now laws protecting people from those things we fought against. The Civil Rights movement has now taken some crazed “Jesse Jackson” turn torepparttar 150036 point that often it is nowrepparttar 150037 white people that are being discriminated against.”

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