Feel the Feelings

Written by Robina Hearle

It has been said "You are afraid to feel. Your feelings are vast and all powerful, yet for many of you they are crosses of shame. However, it is through your feelings that you can ascertain what you value" [Marciniak]

We discern our world through our feelings. They are an unsourced tool for discovering more about ourselves andrepparttar world about us. Yet, asrepparttar 114615 quote so rightly says, we are afraid, nay terrified, of feeling. We block our feelings and hide from them, and as a result we overload our cellular memory with our emotional baggage.

Our bodies are perfect records, holding every nuance of our lives. They hold all our memories ofrepparttar 114616 things we have done to others and how we felt about it atrepparttar 114617 time,repparttar 114618 judgements we have made since. Besides all this, there is what others have done to us and our emotions surrounding these things. We also hold shocking or traumatic memories from our lives which can appear to come 'out ofrepparttar 114619 blue.' There are no accidents or coincidences,repparttar 114620 universe works and everything is a part ofrepparttar 114621 rich tapestry, even though we may be unaware and cannot see it atrepparttar 114622 time.

To illustrate this, I recently had an opportunity to clear a very painful memory from my birth canal. I have shoulder pain and so I went to see my colleague who specialises in "un-winding"repparttar 114623 tissues. She found thatrepparttar 114624 primary site was not my shoulder, but my birth canal. As she saidrepparttar 114625 words,repparttar 114626 memory ofrepparttar 114627 birth of my eldest daughter eighteen years ago surfaced, along with all of my feelings about it atrepparttar 114628 time. As I began to cry, my colleague felt a sudden 'whoosh' asrepparttar 114629 birth canal releasedrepparttar 114630 tension and 'unwound', I was at that moment of release, able to feelrepparttar 114631 feelings, acknowledge them and let them go. Just imagine, for eighteen years this memory had been sitting in my tissues.

Emotional energy such as this can cause vibrational damage torepparttar 114632 cells and eventually pathology. One ofrepparttar 114633 feelings that came up for me, was shock. As I am like a terrier when I know I have something to clear, (I ' worry 'at it until I achieve my intention) I took some Bach' Star of Bethlehem' flower essence which is for shock held inrepparttar 114634 cellular memory.

Aloe Vera - History Use and Benefits

Written by Samantha Munro

Often calledrepparttar 'miracle plant' orrepparttar 114614 'natural healer', Aloe Vera is a plant of many surprises. It flourishes in warm and dry climates, and to many people it looks like a cactus with fleshy thorny leaves. In fact it is a member ofrepparttar 114615 Lily family, staying moist where other plants wither and die by closing its pores to prevent moisture loss.

There are around 400 species of Aloe, but it isrepparttar 114616 Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera or "true aloe") plant which has been of most use to mankind because ofrepparttar 114617 medicinal properties it displays. Ancient records show thatrepparttar 114618 benefits of Aloe Vera have been known for centuries, with its therapeutic advantages and healing properties surviving for over 4000 years. The earliest record of Aloe Vera is on a Sumerian tablet dating from 2100 BC.

Its antiquity was first discovered in 1862 in an Egyptian papyrus dated 1550 BC. It was used to great effect by Greek and Roman physicians. Researchers have found that bothrepparttar 114619 ancient Chinese and Indian used Aloe Vera. Egyptian Queens associated its use with their physical beauty, while inrepparttar 114620 Phillipines it is used with milk for kidney infections. Aloes are referred to inrepparttar 114621 Bible, and legend suggests that Alexanderrepparttar 114622 Great conqueredrepparttar 114623 island of Socotra inrepparttar 114624 Indian Ocean to secure supplies of Aloes to treatrepparttar 114625 battle wounds of his soldiers.

Aloe Vera remained a prominent herbal remedy but asrepparttar 114626 Northern European countries expanded their colonisation ofrepparttar 114627 globe, Aloe Vera starts to fall from grace. It is not clear why this was so, but a possible explanation isrepparttar 114628 difference betweenrepparttar 114629 use of Aloe Vera in tropical climes, compared withrepparttar 114630 temperate north. In tropical countries where Aloe grew naturally, there was an abundance of fresh Aloe. However, Aloe Vera had to be imported torepparttar 114631 temperate north, but inevitably degraded in transit. Physicians in Europe therefore never got to experiencerepparttar 114632 true benefits, and scorned reports ofrepparttar 114633 wonders that Aloe Vera could do for health. In consequence Aloe Vera never really "took hold" inrepparttar 114634 knowledge of European Physicians, andrepparttar 114635 "remarkable healing powers" were felt to be more myth than fact. As science developed Aloe Vera became discarded along with many stalwart herbal remedies of an earlier age considered to be “folk remedies”, not worthy of scientific examination.

Aloe Vera remained popular however in tropical areas, and afterrepparttar 114636 end of World War II interest was refreshed in Aloe Vera butrepparttar 114637 main obstacle to it being used outside tropical areas wasrepparttar 114638 need to preventrepparttar 114639 gel deteriorating. Many attempts were made, but failed as excessive heat destroysrepparttar 114640 essence of Aloe Vera, and higher than acceptable contents of Aloin remained which is a potent laxative. Indeed it wasrepparttar 114641 laxative powers ofrepparttar 114642 un-pure Aloe Vera gel that helped Aloe Vera maintain a toehold in Western medical science.

Although there are many Aloe'srepparttar 114643 term Aloe Vera (“true Aloe”) refers torepparttar 114644 Aloe Barbadensis Miller. Fully grownrepparttar 114645 plant stands 60 to 90 cm high, and a mature leaf is 7 to 10 cm across atrepparttar 114646 base, weighing 1.5 to 2 kg. The Aloe leaf structure is made up of four layers: Rind -repparttar 114647 outer protective layer; Sap - a layer of bitter fluid which helps protectrepparttar 114648 plant from animals; Mucilage Gel -repparttar 114649 inner part ofrepparttar 114650 leaf that is filleted out to make Aloe Vera gel.

Aloe Vera (inner gel) contains: The 8 essential Amino Acids thatrepparttar 114651 human body needs but cannot manufacture. There are 20 "critical" Amino Acids in human metabolism, butrepparttar 114652 body can only make 12,repparttar 114653 other 8 have to be obtained from food. Thes are: Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Valine, and Tryptophan. All these are contained in Aloe Vera; Enzymes - Amylase, Bradykinase,Catalase, Cellulase, Lipase, Oxidase, Alkaline Phosphatase, Proteolytiase, Creatine Phosphokinase, Carboxypeptidase. Most of these are beneficial to human metabolism; Lignin - gives Aloe Vera its penetrating powers, but is not considered to have any other benefit; Minerals - Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Phosphorous, Sodium, and Zinc. We do not need to be told howrepparttar 114654 western diet is mineral deficient mainly due to intensive farming on mineral depleted soils. Many bodily functions depend on minerals to work properly, and some minerals are critical torepparttar 114655 metabolism of vitamins; Mono- and Poly-Saccharides - The mono-saccharides arerepparttar 114656 familiar glucose, and fructose that we know as sugars. The more complex long-chain sugars arerepparttar 114657 poly-saccharides which are thought to give Aloe Vera its unique healing and immuno-stimulating properties; Salicylic Acid - a substance similar to aspirin that can help reduce fever and inflammation; Saponins - natural soapy substances that have both cleansing and antiseptic properties; Sterols - naturally occurring plant steroids with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. Vitamins - these include A (beta-carotene and retinol), B1 (thiamine), B2 ( riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cyanocobalamin), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol) and Folic Acid.

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