Federal Government Jobs—7 Important Tips to Help Your Federal Job Search

Written by Sean Dunagan

Despite constant calls by politicians and policy makers to reign in government spending,repparttar federal government remainsrepparttar 106975 largest employer inrepparttar 106976 United States. According torepparttar 106977 U.S. Office of Personnel Management, there are currently more than 2,700,000 employees working forrepparttar 106978 federal government in civil service positions. For nearly every federal job vacancy,repparttar 106979 number of applicants exceedsrepparttar 106980 number of available positions by at least tenfold.

Why do so many Americans aspire to a federal job? The answers are diverse. Some consider it a patriotic duty, while for others it’s an act of enlightened self-interest. Whatever your motivation, however,repparttar 106981 benefits are significant. Simply put, Uncle Sam is an excellent boss.

Working forrepparttar 106982 federal government offers employment stability that cannot be replicated inrepparttar 106983 private sector. Once a new employee completes a predetermined probationary period (usually 1 year), lifetime employment is nearly guaranteed. Laws and regulations governing federal personnel practices make it extremely difficult to fire, lay-off, or forcibly transfer most employees. Onrepparttar 106984 rare occasions when lay-offs do occur, displaced employees are given very preferential hiring treatment for similar positions that becomes available. The result is that very few federal employees have ever missed a day of work due to a lay-off.

Fringe benefits, including an excellent retirement package, are also a major motivating factor. Health benefits for federal employees are generally better than those offered inrepparttar 106985 private sector, andrepparttar 106986 government currently picks up more ofrepparttar 106987 premium costs than most private employers. For an employee enrolled in Blue Cross/Blue Shield’s family coverage, for instance,repparttar 106988 government currently pays $578 ofrepparttar 106989 $771 monthly premium. Retirement benefits are based on a complicated formula that incorporatesrepparttar 106990 employee’s salary, years of service and retirement age, but independent studies consistently determine thatrepparttar 106991 plan is more generous than nearly all private sector employers.

Federal salaries are competitive as well. In 2005,repparttar 106992 average salary for all federal workers worldwide is $60,203. Due torepparttar 106993 salary structure and political realities, raises are virtually guaranteed every year. In January 2005,repparttar 106994 raise was set at 3.5%. In addition, salary adjustments are made for employees in major metropolitan areas.

Federal service also provides far more opportunity for advancement than most other employers. Atrepparttar 106995 senior management level (known asrepparttar 106996 Senior Executive Service, or SES), salaries range from $107,550 to $162,100. There are currently approximately 7,000 SES employees in federal service.

With all of these benefits, it’s no wonder that many job seekers are trying to land a position withrepparttar 106997 federal government. Whilerepparttar 106998 competition is fierce, here are some key strategies that can help you in your search:

1. Checkrepparttar 106999 government’s official employment web site (http://www.usajobs.opm.gov) often. Virtually every federal job vacancy is listed there, and it’s updated every day. Most vacancy announcement are only open for a period of approximately 3 to 4 weeks, andrepparttar 107000 application process can be detailed, so it’s best to check frequently so you can start working on your application as early as possible.

2. Avoid services that claim to help you land a federal job. Companies that guarantee you a federal job are scams, and these services can’t do anything that you can’t do yourself.


Written by Paul Clutton

FIRST there was sexism, then there was racism, now another ‘ism’ is poised to cause more headaches for South Wales employers – including how they word their job ads.

The Government is currently asking people for their views on plans to outlaw age discrimination inrepparttar workplace by next October.

The consultation – called “Age Matters” – asks howrepparttar 106974 UK should implementrepparttar 106975 EU Employment Directive, which bans any age discrimination in employment and vocational training.

Andrepparttar 106976 warning to unaware employers is: watch out forrepparttar 106977 pitfalls.

The directive covers issues including: ·The scrapping of mandatory retirement ages where employers can dismiss staff when they reach a certain age – unless it can be justified ·The possibility of a default retirement age of 70, when employers could require employees to retire without having to justify their decision. ·Situations where employers could, in exceptional circumstances, justify treating people differently because of their age. ·Changes torepparttar 106978 law regarding unfair dismissal and redundancy.

It will also mean that a number of everyday examples of age discrimination will be outlawed, including an employer telling a worker they are too old to go on training programmes, and a bar on advertisements specifying upper age limits for applications.

Despiterepparttar 106979 fact that new legislation in 2006 will outlaw reference to age in job adverts, ageism is still rife at present.

A new study byrepparttar 106980 CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) finds that 1 in 5 job seekers have been discouraged from applying to a position because it contained an age restriction.

The study shows that although prejudice is much worse for those over 40, 1 in 12 of those under 35 were also discriminated against for being too young. In addition to this, twice this number believe they have been rejected for being too young, but have no evidence.

By 2006 such practices will be illegal with new legislation outlawing any reference of age in recruitment adverts, interviews or atrepparttar 106981 workplace.

The CIPD warns employers that they need to start changing their ways straight away instead of waiting forrepparttar 106982 Government to implement legislation from Europe.

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