Sales Copy… eventually every small business owner must consider what needs to be included in order to produce a successful advertisement or piece of marketing material.You begin with a fancy graphic, your company logo, a slogan, and perhaps a special offer. However, more needs to be included in your sales copy to actually get your customers to buy. You need to include some your product’s features. But, more importantly, you have to list
benefits of your product or service.
Let’s begin with your product or service’s features. These can include
price, colour, options, or availability. Your customer will need to know some of these features to determine if what you have to offer is what they want to buy.
But, it’s
benefits of your product or service that may be
deciding factor in whether they buy from you as opposed to from your competition.
Benefits are advantages your customer gets from
purchase of your product or service. What does it offer
buyer that will be advantageous to them; that will fill a need; that will make their life easier; or that will solve a problem?
Acquiring new customers from your advertisement or marketing material will be more likely to happen if you show them
benefits they will receive from
purchase of your product or service. Show them “what’s in it for them”.
Let’s look at Webster’s Dictionary’s definition of a feature and a benefit (in
context of a business’ product or service):
Feature: noun: a prominent part or characteristic;
structure, form, or appearance.
Benefit: adjective: receiving or entitling one to receive an advantage; help; useful aid.
Incorporating your product’s benefits with its features will help to get your customer excited about your product and how it will fill a need or solve a problem. Keep your customer and their wants and desires in mind when producing sales copy and you will have tremendous success.