Fear of Selling

Written by Joann Javons

When I discuss selling with professionals who want to put their business online, they start to squirm at mention ofrepparttar very word.

When I ask professionals WHY they want to put their business online, these are their answers:

"I want to build credibility"

"You need to have a web site to be seen as a legitimate business today."

"To get feedback on my product."

"I want to increase my visibility."

"To establish a professional image online."

"To provide information."

True enough. All of these are good reasons but they are reallyrepparttar 120915 stepping stones to your end goal. Notice thatrepparttar 120916 words "sell" or "market" aren't even mentioned on this list!

If you want to put your business online 'to build credibility', for example, why exactly do you want to build credibility? Yes, you want to establish credibility and trust in your relationships. But why?

Why Are You In Business?

The reason is that you have a product or service to sell. Aren't you in business to make an honest living doing something you love to do? But "selling" sounds crass, aggressive, pushy and decidedly unprofessional to many of us. If that's true for you, I suggest you substitute two other words in your thinking: relationship marketing. Inrepparttar 120917 end,repparttar 120918 results arerepparttar 120919 same if you do it right.

If you do any type of professional consulting, you're doing relationship marketing (or selling) because you want your client to say "yes" torepparttar 120920 services or products you offer. When a potential client says "yes" to your product or service, you've just made a sale!

No one said you have to be pushy, arrogant, aggressive or obnoxious. Unless you want to go out of business. But you can also go out of business another way: by getting stuck on any ofrepparttar 120921 stepping stones to your end goal. Credibility, trust, information are all part of relationship marketing but if you make these stepping stones your end goal, you have stopped short of having a successful business.

Are You Marketing Backwards?

Written by Joann Javons

When you get in your car, you put it in forward gear to drive forward. You don't put your gear shift in reverse and expect your car to move forward! But that's how many folks market their services. In fact, most people market backwards.

Most folks create a service or product and then try to market it to people.


What a waste of time and money! The most effective way is to identify your niche market, find out their needs, create or find products/services that address *their needs*.

My Marketing Approach Is Not Unique

I recently posted to a discussion list to assist someone who said his business flopped. He didn't realize he was marketing backwards.

Another list member saw my post and responded:

"Joann's approach makes a lot more sense. It sounds similar torepparttar one Michael Gerber talks about inrepparttar 120914 E-Myth Revisited. He talks about entrepreneurs scouringrepparttar 120915 marketplace for an unfulfilled need. Then they create a product or service to fill that need."

My marketing approach definitely is not unique. It's just more effective than what most people do.

3 Steps To Market Forward

1. Do your homework. That means: have you identified a niche market that could use your services?

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