Fear Factor

Written by Olabisi(DJ)

Is it possible for an individual to pass a course of instruction with high marks and remain ineffective?

Is it possible that this person never actually learned anything, but merely gathered enough information and remember it well enough to repeatrepparttar process?

Learning should make you a more effective individual, learning should improverepparttar 123353 quality of your life.

Do you ever wonder why some stuff stick in your brain and other stuff fall out?

See, it's because.......

When your brain is bored, nothing seems to stick. But when you play with ideas and think creatively,repparttar 123354 things you learn stay in your head because it's a cool and interesting place to be

This isrepparttar 123355 power of learning!

Right Now i want you to think about your future possibilities andrepparttar 123356 fact that your potential is virtually unlimited.

You can do what you want to do and go where you want to go. You can berepparttar 123357 person you want to be.

Entrepreneurs: Take action over inspiration every time

Written by Jason Blackston

"Acceptrepparttar challenges so that you may feelrepparttar 123352 exhilaration of victory!" General George S. Patton

When choosing a senior quote, this one jumped right at me. I was ready to conquerrepparttar 123353 world, but then reality slapped me inrepparttar 123354 face...

College. 4 more years of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyedrepparttar 123355 experience and encourage anyone who hasrepparttar 123356 opportunity to give it a go.

Plus, I learned one ofrepparttar 123357 most valuable lessons in my life while attending college:

*We're not taught to make it on our own!

It's kind of like whatrepparttar 123358 singer Bruce Springsteen once said in a 60 minutes interview, "I wanted to be a singer. Do my own thing. Otherwise, they build you up and put you right back intorepparttar 123359 machine."

Yes, society certainly has a way of teaching you what it wants to, and then directing your every move like a puppet on a string.

So how does one make it as an entrepreneur?

Let's face it, inspirational quotes only go so far. It's imperative that you take action! But what action? You've been following someone else's directions for so long that you've forgotten how to put your pants on by yourself!

First, make a plan. For example, most of my day consists of internet marketing so here's some of what I do forrepparttar 123360 first hour:

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