Fathers day is the 3rd Sunday in June

Written by Lucy Huffenstuff

Great gift ideas for Dad on Father's Day. * Personalized crockery - plate, mug or bowl. This is perfect whenrepparttar children are young * Why not getrepparttar 110246 kids to put together a time capsule, with some photos of them with their dad, some other personal items and bury it inrepparttar 110247 garden * There are gift experience companies, why not treat dad to drive a sports car or perhaps sky diving? * Why not get some printable iron on transfers which you can print using your computer and home printer. * How about baking a cake or some of his favorite biscuits? * What about a photo album of a frame of photos of dad andrepparttar 110248 kids * Name a star afterrepparttar 110249 father - there are a number of online websites who offer this service * Casting kits are great fun, getrepparttar 110250 kids to mould their feet or hands and paint them afterwards.

Although there are some great cards onrepparttar 110251 market, nothing is more personal than a homemade card. Here arerepparttar 110252 favorite poems from www.sorrydarling.com you could use onrepparttar 110253 cover or inside. You could also put these onrepparttar 110254 personalized crockery withrepparttar 110255 date and year for that extra special touch.

Easter Bunny—New Member of Our Family!

Written by Gina Woods

My husband and I decided to give our children a real treat this Easter...A real live Easter Bunny!

We made a trip to our local Agway store and, as we suspected, they had several baby bunnies for sale, along with fresh-hatched chicks and ducks. Thank heaven that Darlene,repparttar lady working during our visit, knew a good bit about bunnies. She was able to quickly gatherrepparttar 110245 essentials we needed to take our new family member home, before our 2 year-old harmed any ofrepparttar 110246 little chicks that she insisted on picking up by their necks! I was glad to get out of there!

So with supplies in hand, and our furry little friend in a box, we headed for home. We made a quick stop atrepparttar 110247 local Giant Eagle for cat litter, since our new friend will be a house pet.

Since this was my first experience with a bunny, I decided to consult my wise friend,repparttar 110248 internet, for some advice. I learned a lot fromrepparttar 110249 sites I visited and it maderepparttar 110250 whole process much easier for us. We especially wanted to learn about litter training, since that would berepparttar 110251 key to keeping our new friend indoors! I'll share these helpful links with you later inrepparttar 110252 article.

If you're thinking of purchasing a bunny of your own, here is a list of essential items you will need to get started. Are you wondering about cost? The bunny was cheap, just $6.50. However, allrepparttar 110253 "stuff" we needed to go along with it added up to about $75.00. These amounts can vary depending onrepparttar 110254 type of bunny you want (pure bred, or mix) andrepparttar 110255 "accessories" you choose.

Essential Items:

1. Cage—There are lots of styles and sizes to choose from. We chose a 2' x 2' wire cage. Make sure there is ample room for allrepparttar 110256 items that must be in there plus room for bunny to play! 2. Water bowl—I recommend a heavy ceramic dish that will be heavy enough not to tip over when bunny decides to stand onrepparttar 110257 side! 3. Food bowl—Same recommendation as above. 4. Food—Special pellets just for bunnies. Ask your bunny salesman for recommendations. TIP: I always thought we could feed her scraps of cabbage, carrots, lettuce...you know, allrepparttar 110258 things that "Peter Rabbit" liked! I was quickly cautioned against this. It seems that too much of these good things will cause diarrhea! I've not personally witnessed this as yet, but I'm taking her word for it. These items should only be given in small amounts as "treats" every now and then. 5. Litter pan—Any plastic pan will do. I purchased a corner pan from Petco, which fits nicely inrepparttar 110259 corner of her cage and doesn't take up much space. The back sides are higher thanrepparttar 110260 front so bunny can get in and out without much effort.

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