Fall Flowering Bulbs

Written by Linda Jenkinson

Deciduous trees dazzle us withrepparttar brilliance ofrepparttar 140370 golds, oranges and reds they display before dropping their leaves inrepparttar 140371 autumn. However, you don’t have to be satisfied with autumn leaf color alone. Consider planting fall flower bulbs.

Spring-flowering bulbs are universal symbols of spring. Many of us wait to seerepparttar 140372 cheerful little crocus as it pops throughrepparttar 140373 last ofrepparttar 140374 winter snows. The delicate narcissus,repparttar 140375 colorful tulip, andrepparttar 140376 sunny daffodil are all spring flowering bulbs that bring out smiles after long, colorless winters. Just as spring-flowering bulbs bring a welcome burst of color as they usher inrepparttar 140377 season, fall flower bulbs offer you a last blast of vibrancy to keep in memory through a long, colorless winter.

There are two main differences between spring flower bulbs and fall flower bulbs. Spring flower bulbs are planted inrepparttar 140378 fall and need a cold period of winter dormancy to flower. Fall flower bulbs are typically planted inrepparttar 140379 spring or summer. Most fall flower bulbs aren’t winter hardy and need to be lifted inrepparttar 140380 autumn and stored until time forrepparttar 140381 next spring planting.

When selecting fall flower bulbs, always choose those that are firm and blemish-free. A good rule of thumb to remember is “the largerrepparttar 140382 bulb,repparttar 140383 largerrepparttar 140384 bloom.” The bulb is actually a tiny womb for a flower. In fact, if you split a bulb in half, you frequently can seerepparttar 140385 bud and in some cases, even seerepparttar 140386 flower. Everythingrepparttar 140387 flower needs to grow, except water, is contained inside a bulb. Althoughrepparttar 140388 differences between them are slight, many of these flower storehouses that we commonly call bulbs are actually rhizomes, corms and tubers. Look for these labels in addition to “bulbs” when purchasing fall-flower bulbs.

Choosing the Right Garden Furniture

Written by Johann Erickson

Chinese oak is a very dense, and fine-grained hardwood, with a heart that is a lighter shade of brown, lending those sections a pinkish tone that is reminiscent of Western Red Cedar. Tannic acid is a natural substance inrepparttar Chinese Oak, which acts as a deterrent to fungus and insects, inrepparttar 140033 same manner as resinous oil does for teak, and tannin in cedar, as well. It looks very much like a quality teak wood, and is considered to be slightly harder thanrepparttar 140034 Red Oak. Oak is a traditional choice for outdoor furniture, and is generally considered a good value.

Cedar is a material that many people prefer for both its rustic and “down home” appeal. A softwood, cedar hasrepparttar 140035 same tannic oils as Chinese oak, which prevents attack by mildew whenrepparttar 140036 wood is consistently wet, deep down. A very durable wood, it’s estimated to have 80% ofrepparttar 140037 strength of oak, but is a much lighter material, important when it comes to moving chairs or seats for mowingrepparttar 140038 lawn. Natural Red Cedar is extremely popular, so much so, that it is often reproduced out of other materials, so check and make sure your furniture is real red cedar, and not a look alike. Northern White Cedar is also popular, and provides a lighter, brighter look to your patio sets and swings or loungers. If you acquire plain wood garden furniture and want to finish it, try a single coat of a semi-transparent stain that has sun-screening properties. Otherwise, it can be left to age to a natural silver-gray.

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