Failure of Fault Based War on Drugs

Written by Clark Brittain

Kate Comiskey’s death is a tragic casualty ofrepparttar war on drugs. It began when Governor General Taft outlawed opium inrepparttar 125304 newly conquered Philippines, then expanded withrepparttar 125305 Pure Food and Drug and Harrison acts. Afterrepparttar 125306 failed experiment with alcohol prohibition, not to be defeated moralists convinced congress to make marijuana essentially illegal with exorbitant taxation. The only opposition testimony was fromrepparttar 125307 American Medical Association. Nixon developedrepparttar 125308 forerunner torepparttar 125309 DEA and vowed to create a way to get blacks without appearing to be racist. It has worked quite well.

Nixon commissioned conservative republican governors Shafer and Hughes to do a study and officially denounce marijuana once and for all. That commission disappointedrepparttar 125310 president and recommended among other things, that marijuana should be legal/regulated as is alcohol, and thatrepparttar 125311 only legitimate role forrepparttar 125312 federal government regarding drug use would be to help identify people who might benefit by getting help. That report was rejected by Nixon, andrepparttar 125313 war on drugs was initiated with a relatively small budget of about $30 million. Selective prohibition was consideredrepparttar 125314 moral thing to do; it would drive up prices making drugs comparatively unavailable torepparttar 125315 average person. Byrepparttar 125316 time Reagan became presidentrepparttar 125317 war on drugs took a serious turn. Maryland University basketball star Len Bias died of a cocaine seizure (his friends were afraid to get help for fear of legal culpability) and several dozen crack babies fedrepparttar 125318 federal frenzy that ratcheted uprepparttar 125319 war even further. Helping it along wasrepparttar 125320 CIA involvement in cocaine trafficking to help fundrepparttar 125321 illegal arming of contras in Nicaragua. Illicit drugs became a huge business- because ofrepparttar 125322 black market. It is estimated thatrepparttar 125323 three largest industries inrepparttar 125324 world today are: oil, arms and illicit drugs.

Unfortunately there is so much money to be made in illicit drugs that no one in legislative power is willing to pull outrepparttar 125325 rug on this financial feeding trough. The money derived from illicit drugs finances governments, central banks, political parties and countless subversive organizations. The profits only exist inrepparttar 125326 context of a black market. These drugs are not expensive to produce or distribute and even with interdiction/confiscationsrepparttar 125327 prices are only 10% of what they were atrepparttar 125328 threshold ofrepparttar 125329 war on drugs inrepparttar 125330 early 1980’s. It has also fueled an explosion of prisoners, with more people incarcerated for non violent drug offenses inrepparttar 125331 United States than in all of Europe for all causes. Today more black adult men are in jail than college. In 2003 there were more arrests in America for simple marijuana possession than for all violent crime combined.

Local Realtor Attends "World-Class Service" Seminr

Written by Leslie Riggs

For Further Information Call: Jonathan Taylor (714) 815-4540 For Immediate Release

Local Realtor Attends “World-Class Service” Seminar This past week, Orange County real estate specialist Jonathan Taylor attended an advanced customer satisfaction seminar in Palm Springs given by BY REFERRAL ONLY, a professional training company devoted to excellence and delivering “wow” service. “I’ve lived and worked in Orange County for over 40 years,” said Taylor “My work in real estate helps buildrepparttar community I love.” Duringrepparttar 125303 seminar Taylor learned about common mistakes many homeowners make when selling their homes. “I came back fromrepparttar 125304 seminar full of information to share withrepparttar 125305 community,” said Taylor. “Orange County is a wonderful place to live. I’m committed to making sure that home sellers and homebuyers have allrepparttar 125306 information they need to makerepparttar 125307 right decisions.” Jonathan Taylor of First Team Real Estate has set up a free, 24-hour Consumer Awareness Hotline a1-888 281-3740 Ext 8605 that gives Orange County home sellers a behind-the-scenes peek atrepparttar 125308 most common mistakes people make when selling their homes – how not to make them – and shares tips on simple, inexpensive things to do that make homes sell for thousands of additional dollars.

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