Fail. Fail Again. Fail Better

Written by Thomas Morgan aka The Irishsetter

The title of this article is a Samuel Beckett quote. Some may interpret this as a negative statement because it is dwelling on failure. I disagree. In dice influencing, and life in general, I associate this quote withrepparttar oft cited, “When at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” Here’s why.

Let’s face it. Every hand that a precision shooter throws, be they novice or journeyman shooter, eventually ends with failure. Whetherrepparttar 116289 hand lasts three rolls, or ten or thirty rolls, an eventual unintended seven arrives in due course. If we were capable of throwing a perfectly executed controlled toss every time, perhaps this would not berepparttar 116290 case, butrepparttar 116291 bottom line is we CAN’T throw a perfectly executed toss every time. The seven is inevitable. This is a fact of life for a precision shooter. This doesn’t mean that you should live in fear ofrepparttar 116292 seven. As I’ve stated before, as a precision shooter, if you’re shooting in fear ofrepparttar 116293 seven, you are giving it power over you.

We’ve established then that for every hand you throw as a dice influencer, it will end in failure. We aren’t going to dwell onrepparttar 116294 negative aspects of that right now. The purpose of this article is to determine whether you are gettingrepparttar 116295 most out of those failures atrepparttar 116296 tables.

Every Session Is A Learning Opportunity I’ve been involved with precision shooting for several years now. Regardless, I still approach every session as an opportunity to learn something new. Perhaps it’s a new betting method, maybe it’s a fresh approach to money management, or being more adept at troubleshooting my throw while I’m atrepparttar 116297 table. There is always room for growth. Anyone who tells you that they know everything there is to know aboutrepparttar 116298 game and about precision shooting is delusional or has an ego that’s run amok. Continued growth is extremely important to your future success atrepparttar 116299 tables as a precision shooter specifically and as a craps player in general.

Debrief I certainly hope by now, you knowrepparttar 116300 importance of keeping session notes. The Mad Professor has several articles onrepparttar 116301 subject, as well as MickeyD’s article Notes, Notes, Notes. I’m aware that a lot of shooters keep session notes solely forrepparttar 116302 purpose of keeping track of wins and losses. That’s really a secondary purpose. The main purpose for keeping notes is for gaining insight into future sessions. Your session notes will provide a method for you to FAIL BETTER inrepparttar 116303 future.

Focus Onrepparttar 116304 Positive As I stated atrepparttar 116305 beginning, “failing better” does not mean that you only focus onrepparttar 116306 errors that you made atrepparttar 116307 tables, but also on what you did well, what you should do again, what you should ALWAYS do. It is essential for every small success to be a building block for future success. Despite how poorly a session goes, determine those things that you did well. If you terminated a session because you reached your loss limit, or you realized you weren’t “on”, are just a couple of examples of “positives” that can be gleaned from evenrepparttar 116308 worst session. For sessions that go particularly well, take precise notes of what occured. Your goal is to be able to recreate a positive situation every time you stand atrepparttar 116309 tables.

The Craps Underground - A Review

Written by Thomas Morgan aka The Irishsetter

"Scoblete's new book depictsrepparttar real world of dice influencing about as accurately as Hogan's Heroes depicted life in a World War II German POW camp."

That was my initial impression of Scoblete's new book which I posted onrepparttar 116288 message board a few weeks back. Now I've had a chance to re-readrepparttar 116289 book a couple of times and fully digest it. Fortunately, I acquired one ofrepparttar 116290 pre-release copies ofrepparttar 116291 book, gratis. I would have had a SERIOUS case of buyers remorse had I actually paid $24.95 for this 315 page hard cover dog.

My complete review follows.

I read a lot. I spend an hour and a half each work day on a train, so I go through books quickly. In my library, I have probably 40 to 50 books on craps specifically or gambling in general. In allrepparttar 116292 gambling books I've read, I can unequivocally say that no matter how poorly written or conceivedrepparttar 116293 book was, I've always found some redeeming quality inrepparttar 116294 book. The Craps Underground isrepparttar 116295 exception. If a good gambling book is like a delicious filet mignon, this book is more akin torepparttar 116296 stuff they feed people onrepparttar 116297 TV show, Fear Factor.

Let's start withrepparttar 116298 ENTIRE title ofrepparttar 116299 book. The Craps Underground - The Inside Story of How Dice Controllers Are Winning Millions fromrepparttar 116300 Casinos. Pure, unadulterated hype. For arguments sake, we'll assume that "Millions" means something more than one or two million, ten million would be a reasonable starting point, and it's at least implied that it also means millions in net profit. Last spring, Frank Scoblete estimated that there are fewer than 200 skilled "dice controllers" operating inrepparttar 116301 US. By doing a little division, that would mean on average, those 200 dice "controllers" are taking down $50,000 in profits, each. Except for a few rather well bankrolled shooters, there is no evidence thatrepparttar 116302 average dice controller is showing that kind of profit. Yes, many dice influencers are consistently profitable butrepparttar 116303 title alone, and I'll repeat myself here, is unadulterated hype.

So, now let's get intorepparttar 116304 book a bit. Chapter one opens with Scoblete having a marathon winning session withrepparttar 116305 dicecoach, Beau Parker. Here's how Scoblete describesrepparttar 116306 session withrepparttar 116307 dicecoach,

" glorious hours shooting dice with a fellow dice controller and newfound friend known asrepparttar 116308 'Bodacious One,' Beau Parker."

This session, and these warm expressions of friendship forrepparttar 116309 dicecoach occurred just a few months prior torepparttar 116310 formation of GTC. I'll get back to that later.

Let's dive a little further into this drivel. Inrepparttar 116311 early chapters, we get to hear Scoblete wax poetically about "the Captain," again. Yawn.... hasn't he beaten that horse to death yet? Then he introduces various future members ofrepparttar 116312 GTC organization. Apparently, these guys never lose! Or if they do happen to have a poor session, it is quickly followed by a miraculous comeback. AMAZING! There are a couple of chapters on "The Lee Brothers." These two chapters are almost engaging. Except for one thing. OF COURSE "The Lee Brothers" coincidentally have read all of Scoblete's books, and religiously play likerepparttar 116313 captain. Subtle as a freight train, that Scoblete.

There's a chapter onrepparttar 116314 Las Vegas Craps Festival which I participated in. Scoblete briefly mentions me here, and he certainly hadrepparttar 116315 opportunity to take some shots at me if he wanted to. Surprisingly he didn't though, for whatever reason. However, he did misrepresent what I discussed that day. Here's what he had to say about me.

"Irishsetter has strong opinions."

Well, he got THAT part right but later went on to say,

"In fact, Irishsetter made a strong pitch that people shouldn't be paying or charging to learn dice control, that allrepparttar 116316 information should be free."

In all actuality, I said nothing ofrepparttar 116317 sort. The gist of my discussion was twofold. One, that aspiring dice influencers should learn as much as possible for free, or as cheaply as they can, and two, that there is no one single correct philosophy on how to set, grip and throwrepparttar 116318 dice. My opinion today is no different. If you're interested, I have an article on which goes further into my discussion that day called, The "Missing" Tape - The Article. My guess is that givenrepparttar 116319 opportunity, Scoblete didn't want to take any obvious shots at me, but instead chose to misrepresent my discussion in an attempt to embarrass me since I do occasionally participate in seminars. What IS missing inrepparttar 116320 book, is what Scoblete talked about that day. One ofrepparttar 116321 major points of his discussion was that dice influencers would soon begin to experiencerepparttar 116322 kind of heat that card counters get if they didn't go "underground." It seems Scoblete had a change of heart. Either that, or his definition of going "underground" is hyping dice influencing in books, holding seminars in casinos, and advertising dice control onrepparttar 116323 radio and in newspapers and magazines.

Blah, blah, blah. Several chapters not even worth mentioning.

OK, what's next. Scoblete raids Jerry Patterson's PARR organization of most ofrepparttar 116324 coaching staff and Golden Touch Craps is born. Despiterepparttar 116325 fact that I'm intimately knowledgeable about many ofrepparttar 116326 personalities involved here, these chapters are about as interesting as watching hibernating bears. I have to give Scoblete credit though. He mentions his GTC staff and as many hangers on inrepparttar 116327 GTC periphery as often as possible. Why? Becauserepparttar 116328 average Joe will think it's really "neat" that Frank Scoblete put them in his book. Pathetic? Yes. But, those folks inrepparttar 116329 periphery will go out on, buy multiple copies ofrepparttar 116330 book, and write a glowing review so their friends will buy it and see their names in print. Oh Boy!

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