Facial Skin Care Tips For Your Type Of Skin

Written by Mike Zanov

With allrepparttar skin care tips and information today, you might think it's very confusing! All you want is what is best for your skin. It may be overwhelming for you to try to keep up withrepparttar 130324 constantly evolving technology.

Skin care tip #1 - your skin is unique. If your best friend uses "the most powerful product," it may do nothing for you, or you might even have a reaction to it.

Before you consider buying any over-the-counter skin care products, there are a few basic facts about your skin you must know. These include:

Your skin type. It is oily, dry, normal, sensitive, or a combination?

Your skin complexion. Do you have fair skin that burns easily or light to medium that may burn? Or do you have a medium tone that usually tans or a darker complexionrepparttar 130325 only rarely burns? Or is your complexion so dark that you never burn?

Your skin concerns. Do you want preventative maintenance to avoid premature aging? Do you have a skin problem, such as persistent acne, age spots, melasma or rosacea? You may also have large pores, sun damage, facial wrinkles or fine lines that require special attention. Do you have eye puffiness or under eye bags that will require special care?

10 Easy Tips to Enjoy Super Bowl Sunday (Even If You Are a Girl)

Written by Julie Hunt

What’s a girl to do? Super Bowl Sunday has to berepparttar most masculine day ofrepparttar 130321 entire year. Julie Hunt, female extraordinaire, offers 10 totally awesome ideas to women planning and enjoying their Sunday, Feb. 6th Super Bowl Soiree.

Because unless you want to plan an “Anti Super Bowl Party” where you can escape for a few hours, letrepparttar 130322 guys do their thing and paintrepparttar 130323 town red…repparttar 130324 reality is most of us girls will end up at a Super Bowl Party (and you may even be repparttar 130325 hostess of one).

And that means hanging out with excitable boys who can’t be interrupted or ripped fromrepparttar 130326 TV, eating almost as much food as we do on Thanksgiving Day and grinning and bearing repparttar 130327 football nonsense to get through it all. Thank goodness we’ve got Bono this year as our halftime hunny!

Why fight it? Might as well brighten uprepparttar 130328 day with a little feminine energy and make it a day for everyone, not justrepparttar 130329 boys.

So, here arerepparttar 130330 top 10 ways to enjoy a Simply Superb Super Bowl Sunday.

1. Pre-game Role Reversal. Encouragerepparttar 130331 guys to perform a pre-game cheer and letrepparttar 130332 girls huddle up to devise a play and act it out. Make it an annual Super Bowl ritual and elaborate on it every year.

2. Battle ofrepparttar 130333 Sexes. Start a football pool forrepparttar 130334 girls. Have each woman take exactlyrepparttar 130335 opposite position of one of repparttar 130336 guys. And atrepparttar 130337 end ofrepparttar 130338 day see who really knows more about football.

3. MVP Awards. Keep a look out forrepparttar 130339 MVP party goers. Keep secret voting ballots forrepparttar 130340 girls to pick: Worst Joke Worst Behavior Best Behaved Heisman Trophy Snack Winner Fewest Party Fouls Worst Party Fumble

4. Open Uprepparttar 130341 NFL Shop. Getrepparttar 130342 girls together before hand and add a little football fun to your wardrobe. Make ‘NFL Champion’ baby doll tees with nick names or code names. Buy flashy Super Bowl rings as party favors.

5. Beer Blitz. Haverepparttar 130343 kids on clean up patrol all day long. Give them trash bags and let them know that every empty can they collect is money in their pocket. You’ll take them down torepparttar 130344 ‘Recycle Center’ and turnrepparttar 130345 cans into cold hard cash. You might even matchrepparttar 130346 money and then take them to a special spot so they can spend it!

6. Toilet Penalties and Seat Fouls. Every timerepparttar 130347 boys leaverepparttar 130348 seat up, girls get a 2 minute reprieve fromrepparttar 130349 football talk. Feel free to bring up any non Super Bowl related topic for two whole minutes without being shushed!

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