Facial Skin Care

Written by Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, Ph.D, ND, DACBN

Because ofrepparttar exposure it receives,repparttar 113887 skin on your face isrepparttar 113888 most delicate skin on your body. Your facial skin needs special care to stay young, healthy, and beautiful.

1.Clean Your Face Gently

Toothpaste can be very irritating torepparttar 113889 skin aroundrepparttar 113890 mouth. So brush your teeth before cleansing your face to remove any toothpaste residue that may be left on your lips and cheeks (You should use a natural toothpaste free from toxic Flouride- “Jasons” brand works well. Next, splash your face with lukewarm water and smooth about a quarter-size amount of a mild, natural cleanser over your face. You may use a washcloth or facial cloth if you wish, but fingertips are gentler onrepparttar 113891 skin. Use circular strokes to lightly massagerepparttar 113892 cleanser into your skin. Rinserepparttar 113893 soap from your face with lukewarm water, and blot your skin dry with a clean, soft towel.

2.Use Toner Sparingly

Skin toning products often contain drying products, such as alcohol or acetone, that can be irritating to sensitive skin. Avoid using a skin toner if your skin has become dry and delicate overrepparttar 113894 years. However, a natural skin toner likerepparttar 113895 product “Oxy-Skin” will bind water torepparttar 113896 skin and provide extra cleansing and moisture. This product would be useful for someone with dry or oily skin.

Use skin toner on freshly cleansed skin. Apply toner to a cotton tissue rather than a cotton ball as a tissue is less absorbent and you will end up using less toner on your face. Gently smoothrepparttar 113897 tissue over your face and allowrepparttar 113898 toner to dry.

3.Apply Eye Cream

The skin under your eyes is more delicate and sensitive thanrepparttar 113899 skin onrepparttar 113900 rest of your face. It isrepparttar 113901 first part of your face to show signs of aging. An natural eye cream or serum can help to protect this fragile skin, even out skin tone, minimize dark under eye circles, and even temporarily tighten fine lines.

Use a pea-sized amount of eye cream (Parfait Visage) and apply to your skin with your middle finger. This finger will apply less pressure than your index finger. In a clockwise motion, smoothrepparttar 113902 cream fromrepparttar 113903 center ofrepparttar 113904 undereye area torepparttar 113905 browbone and over your lids.

4.Moisturize Liberally

A good moisturizer is one ofrepparttar 113906 foundations of an effective skin care routine. Use a moisturizer right after bathing to seal moisture into your skin. A moisturizing product that is not made especially forrepparttar 113907 face may be too heavy and it may leaverepparttar 113908 face looking and feeling greasy. Creams and lotions usually arerepparttar 113909 facial moisturizers of choice for a couple of reasons, as they contain some water and are lighter onrepparttar 113910 face. And many creams and lotions are humectants, an oil-free class of moisturizer that binds water torepparttar 113911 skin so its effects are longer lasting.

Menopause and Women's Health

Written by Cathy Taylor

Creating a “quality” menopause transition requires following certain guidelines to minimize its effects on women’s health. You probably know that this condition wrecks havoc on female anatomy creating chemical imbalances and overall discomfort for a period of time (both short and long). Bouts of anxiety, physical symptoms such as hot flashes and vibrations ripping throughrepparttar body, vaginal discomfort, relationship issues, andrepparttar 113886 realization that women are stepping intorepparttar 113887 next phase of their lives are critical changes one must face.

Menopause and exercising proper women’s health can easily go hand in hand with a little extra effort. In order to lessenrepparttar 113888 severity of symptoms, women need to be informed about proper nutrition including vitamin and other supplement consumption. Let’s look into some vitamins that can help.

Some ofrepparttar 113889 physical symptoms of menopause include night sweats, itchy, crawly vibrations throughoutrepparttar 113890 body, and general discomfort. An excellent vitamin to take is Vitamin E. Taken in a dose of 800 IU daily, it helps prevent these conditions from happening. Make sure you take one pill with each of your meals, as capsules are best activated inrepparttar 113891 body when consumed with food.

A good vitamin to aid depression and hot flashes during sleep is magnesium as well (taken in a dose of 1,000 mg. daily). Another one ofrepparttar 113892 ¨letter¨ vitamins that is great for menopausal symptoms and immune system building is Vitamin B-6. It is a diuretic, which means it flushes out any excess liquid inrepparttar 113893 body that can cause discomfort. It also aids in processing protein and fights against disease. Women suffering under this condition also experience depressive symptoms, something Vitamin B-6 can combat. Regular Vitamin B can ease anxiety and fight stress as well.

Did you know menopause can cause weak bones? In a condition known as osteoporosis, bones start to become brittle and can break with ease performingrepparttar 113894 simplest tasks, such as opening a car door or turning suddenly. A quality vitamin such as calcium can help. However, make sure you also take calcium with magnesium and Vitamin D together because they help absorb calcium intorepparttar 113895 blood stream. Hormones are also impacted by this wonderful vitamin, as it acts as its ¨engine¨ in being spread out throughoutrepparttar 113896 body. Remember, if you don’t want to consume pills and capsules, you can eat foods and drink liquids rich in vitamins such as orange juice, peanuts, soybeans, broccoli, bananas, and milk (calcium loaded).

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