Facial Pain: When a Nerve Is a Live Wire

Written by Gary Cordingley

Of allrepparttar places inrepparttar 135740 body that can hurt,repparttar 135741 face might seemrepparttar 135742 strangest. But for some people, that's exactly whererepparttar 135743 agony occurs, andrepparttar 135744 cause is a nerve gone haywire.

How peripheral nerves involve themselves in pain is sometimes confusing. Here's a handy way to think ofrepparttar 135745 two basic patterns:

#1: The nerve isrepparttar 135746 messenger. If you have a dental abscess, a facial sunburn or a sinus infection, you can count on pain being present. Where does it come from? Special nerve endings detectrepparttar 135747 tissue-injury and generate electrical impulses. The peripheral nerves carry these impulses intorepparttar 135748 brain. The peripheral nerves didn't CAUSErepparttar 135749 pain, they're just carryingrepparttar 135750 bad news. (Don't shootrepparttar 135751 messenger!)

#2: The nerve itself isrepparttar 135752 mischief-maker. In some casesrepparttar 135753 nerve generates abnormal impulses on its own. The nerve is still capable of carrying normal impulses, like those informingrepparttar 135754 brain thatrepparttar 135755 skin ofrepparttar 135756 face is warm or cold—-or that you cut yourself shaving—-but generates signals of its own as well thatrepparttar 135757 brain can only interpret as painful.

When peripheral nerves generate bolts of pain inrepparttar 135758 forehead, eye, cheek or jaw, it's called trigeminal neuralgia. This technical term can be broken into its parts, starting atrepparttar 135759 end and working forward. "Algia" means pain. A "neur-algia" means nerve-pain. Finally, "trigeminal" isrepparttar 135760 name ofrepparttar 135761 nerve involved. So "trigeminal neuralgia" means pain caused byrepparttar 135762 trigeminal nerve. We have two trigeminal nerves, one for each side ofrepparttar 135763 face. They are amongrepparttar 135764 largest nerves in our heads.

An older term for trigeminal neuralgia was "tic douloureux." This bears explaining. A "tic" is a sudden, brief movement. "Douloureux" isrepparttar 135765 French word for "painful." So a "tic douloureux" means that a sudden, brief movement and a pain occur together. However, this terminology was largely abandoned because it implies that movement is an essential feature. It isn't. When movement is present, it's just as a reaction torepparttar 135766 pain.

So what arerepparttar 135767 usual features of trigeminal neuralgia? First of all, it almost always occurs on just one side ofrepparttar 135768 face. If one of our trigeminal nerves gets involved in this unfortunate condition, it's rare indeed thatrepparttar 135769 second trigeminal nerve would be so unlucky to get involved, too. Or another way of looking at it is this: ifrepparttar 135770 pain switches sides or crossesrepparttar 135771 midline, then it's probably not trigeminal neuralgia.

Love Your Body And Watch It Heal

Written by Judi Singleton

Your body is a vechile that houses you while you are having this human experience. You are spirit your body isrepparttar housing or asrepparttar 135739 Bible says your body is a temple. Depending on how you love it and create it. Yes, you create this physical body just as you create everything else in your life. Do you talk to your body? Do you tell it you love it everyday. Are you grateful for your body. What we love and pay attention to grows in your body as it does in any other part of your life. If you pay attention and praise and love your body it loves you back by being all you would want it to be. As some of you know that have been following my articles I have been looking for alternative ways to heal my body. Well, I forgot something I have known for years and that is to send love to each part of my body daily. Just get quiet and start talking in a loving voice to your body, you can do this out loud or anywhere just in your mind. Thank it for all it does for you daily. Thank each part of yourself fromrepparttar 135740 top of your head torepparttar 135741 tip of your toes. Make a list of all your body does for you daily and thank each part for doing that. Think of something you admire about each of your body parts and tell that part of you how admired it is. Do something for your body every day, exercise, dance, get a massage, take a hot bubble bath, stetch and relax your body, breathe.

Start today and your body will respond. Tell your body that you admire how slim and muscular it is. It will become slim and muscular. Tell your body you love it and you admire how abundantly healthy it is. It will heal itself. Your body is living cells that can respond to you. Try it if it doesn't work I will refund your poor self image and your dis-ease with your body.

Act in a way if you would haverepparttar 135742 perfect body.

Walk with your head held up high, supported with pride and confidence in yourself and a person.

Don't letrepparttar 135743 weight of you body determine what you do on a normal day. Do what you enjoy, and have fun at it.

Wear comfortable clothing that you are not afraid to be in, and that you are not afraid to show to others.

Remember to count your blessings, and not your blemishes.

How much time do you spend looking at your body in disgust? Just don't do it! Look atrepparttar 135744 good, or nice qualities that you have, and be proud of them.

Did you know that each month your skin replaces itself, every five days your stomach lining, every six weeks your liver, and every month, even your skeleton! Your body is a pretty extraordinary thing. Now respect it and appreciate it! You owe it to yourself.

Become an expert on your body, challengerepparttar 135745 authority ofrepparttar 135746 fashion magazines,repparttar 135747 cosmetic industry,repparttar 135748 Metropolitan Weight Tables by allowing your beauty to shine throughout your personality, and brighten a new day.

Be one of your bodies allies and advocates. Don't let your body be your enemy.

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