Face your fears!

Written by James Winston

Most people are afraid to change. They're afraid to facerepparttar uncertainty which we all feel when we leave our 'comfort zones.' Some afraid of failing, and others, believe it or not, are afraid of succeeding. What is sad is most people do not realize they have become paralyzed by their fears. Millions of people with great potential have been ruined and their entire lives wasted because they do not face their fears head on. You may recognize people who are afraid and hiding out in their


Written by Rosella Aranda

Perseverance. Tenacity. Stick-to-it-iveness. Patience. All these words are driving atrepparttar same thing: DON’T GIVE UP.

Now I don’t particularly like negative statements, so let me reword this. Keep on keeping on. Hang in there. Keep on truckin’. There, that’s better, because you see, I want to be your favorite cheerleader.

I want to point out to you what you’re doing right so that you can keep on doing more of it. I want to show you that you already haverepparttar 122858 qualities you need to make it (and make it big!) in a successful home business.

That’s right! You already possessrepparttar 122859 “tools” that you need. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be reading this article! You already have desire, vision and initiative. You want more out of life, you seerepparttar 122860 possibilities for yourself, and you are taking action.

I applaud you!

Now, my job as your self-appointed personal cheerleader is to encourage you to keep on picking up those tools. I want to entice you to fanrepparttar 122861 flames of your desire, sharpen your vision and to keep taking regular action. I wish to show you what to expect so that you don’t go running away before your dreams reach you.

How many of you out there have ever joined a gym or started an exercise program? Well, starting a profitable home business is a bit like starting an exercise program.

When you first start out, your enthusiasm is jumping, expectations are high, visions of a beautiful body and ripply muscles are dancing in your head, so it’s off torepparttar 122862 gym you go. Desire, vision, action.

Now it’s time to get down to business.

The muscles are out of shape, so you have to work up gradually as your body learns to handlerepparttar 122863 extra usage. There’s a period of adaptation whenrepparttar 122864 muscles seem to be crying out, “Bad idea, Man!” You’re sore all over. You’re feeling more tired than usual because you’re body is burning more energy than before, but you’re not getting any extra sleep to make up for it. And what’s worse, you’re not seeing any results. In fact, you look even flabbier than before!

What’s wrong with this picture?

There is nothing wrong with this picture. It is part ofrepparttar 122865 PROCESS!

Body fat becomes flabbier before it is actually burned off and converted to muscle. As you keep on working out,repparttar 122866 soreness soon goes away. Your stamina steadily improves. Your body gets sleepy earlier because you’re burning more energy, so you get a little more sleep than usual. And you keep on working out. Then comes that glorious day when you start to see your results.

Ahhh, such a satisfying feeling.

See, you did it! Now, even if you didn’t stick with it for very long, you witnessedrepparttar 122867 process. You are, in fact, capable of producingrepparttar 122868 desired results. If you don’t want to gorepparttar 122869 distance, well, you won’t get to where you want to go. It’s as simple as that. But don’t tell yourself you don’t have what it takes. This is simply not true.

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