Face Check Up!

Written by Kathy Thompson

Mirror, Mirror onrepparttar wall, who'srepparttar 115216 healthiest of them all? Here is your handy-dandy checklist for a healthy you. Discover how your face reveals your health.

____1. If you see 12 bloodshot lines inrepparttar 115217 whites of repparttar 115218 eyes, your internal organs are getting weak.

____2. Ifrepparttar 115219 lines inrepparttar 115220 white ofrepparttar 115221 eyes end in small spots, there is hardening and stagnation inrepparttar 115222 circulation ofrepparttar 115223 blood. ____3. Ifrepparttar 115224 pupil ofrepparttar 115225 eye is a yellowish color like mucos, it is due torepparttar 115226 malfuction ofrepparttar 115227 gall bladder.

____4. Ifrepparttar 115228 pupil ofrepparttar 115229 eye is a black shade, it shows trouble inrepparttar 115230 kidneys.

____5. Ifrepparttar 115231 pupil ofrepparttar 115232 eye is a purple or green shade anywhere onrepparttar 115233 eyes, it is very dangerous.

____6. Ifrepparttar 115234 pupil ofrepparttar 115235 eye is a dark brown shade, it shows thatrepparttar 115236 internal organs are becoming harder and inflexible.

____7. If there is a horizontal wrinkle acrossrepparttar 115237 groove underrepparttar 115238 nose, there is weakness inrepparttar 115239 sexual organs.

____8. Ifrepparttar 115240 lips are swollen,repparttar 115241 digestive tract is swollen, and there is a tendency towards constipation.

____9. Baldness is a sign thatrepparttar 115242 internal organs are becoming weak.

____10. Skin that has a reddish tinge is a sign that repparttar 115243 heart is overworked.

____11. Brownish skin areas is generally a sign of trouble inrepparttar 115244 liver and gall bladder.

Dangerous foods and everyday products in the home that are toxic.

Written by Alfred Jones

You might not believe how many dangerous items there are inrepparttar home, that are not classified as dangerous. The first one is Margarine, this is unhealthy and does have toxic effects on your system. Margarine is made by adding Hydrogen torepparttar 115215 fat molecules to make them more saturated, raisingrepparttar 115216 melting point so it remains solid for spreading at room temperature. This method is called Hydrogenation, it became popular, because this type of oil does not spoil or go off quite so readily as regular oil. Apparently you can leave Margarine out inrepparttar 115217 open for years and it will not develop mould, neither will it be touched by insects or even rodents, it appears that only humans are foolish enough to eatrepparttar 115218 stuff. The American National Cancer Institute suggests that 98% of cancers may be linked to chemical exposure. 884 neuro-toxic chemicals are used in cosmetic, andrepparttar 115219 perfume and toiletries industry, One of these chemicals is SODIUM LAURYL SULPHATE (SLS). Inrepparttar 115220 United States of America, safety sheets are available on SLS and they state:- "In case of contact, immediately flush with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes, remove contaminated clothing and footware. Ensure adequate flushing ofrepparttar 115221 eyes and eyelids, If inhaled remove to fresh air and call a doctor.

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