Written by Dan the roommate man

Whether you're renting for three months or three years; these rules apply to anyone wanting to be a responsible renter.

1. Get everything in writing.

Anything not specifically outlined in your lease should be put into a written document. Without documentation, you have no proof to back yourself up. For example, if you've reported a repair request to your landlord, and three weeks later it still hasn't been taken care of, you won't be able to go to your landlord and complain. How can you prove that you informed your landlord ofrepparttar problem if you have no physical evidence to back yourself up? Make sure you write down EVERYTHING from repair requests, to amendments inrepparttar 110552 lease, to lease termination notifications.

Get these documents signed and dated by your landlord, and you and your roommates should dorepparttar 110553 same. If you would like to see some great examples of form letters, please visit theColorado Tenant's Organization's web site and click on “CTO Model Letters.”

2. Read EVERYTHING before you sign it, and don't sign it if you don't understand.

This rule sounds so simple... but SO MANY PEOPLE don't follow it. The language in a lease is confusing. Don't feel stupid if you don't understand a lease. You should only feel stupid if you sign something without understanding it. Your landlord andrepparttar 110554 representatives atrepparttar 110555 place you choose to rent from are not out to hurt you! Don't be afraid to ask them whatrepparttar 110556 lease means.


Written by dan the roommate man


Move in date: ___________

Applicant Information:

Apartment or address applying for:


Applicant's Name: ______________________________________

Applicant's SS# ___________________

Co-Applicant's Name: ___________________________________

Co-Applicant's SS# ___________________

Phone # home: _____________________ Work_______________

DOB __________________

Co-Applicant's home/work phone______________

Co-Applicant's DOB __________________

Applicant's Driver's License: ___________________________________


Co-Applicant's Driver's License _________________________________

State _____________

Current Address _______________________________________

Previous Address (if current is less than 3 years) _______________________________________

Co-Applicants Current Address: _______________________________________

Previous Address: _______________________________________

List of Occupants: _______________________________________

Emergency Contact phone number: _______________________________________

Current Landlord Information:

Property Name: _______________________________________

Landlord or Contact Name: __________________________

phone # _____________________

Landlord Address: _______________________________________

Monthly Rental Amt.:______________

Resided on premises from _________to_____________

Current Landlord Information for Co-Applicant:

Property Name: _______________________________________

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