Written by Jonathan Dall

FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SUFFERED!As one who has suffered fromrepparttar long, term effects of trauma I feel compelled to share some experience and hope with those who seek to heal themselves and create true quality of life. First there must be a desire for change. No more wearing your suffering as a badge. That said let us move on torepparttar 122810 subject of focus, which is a problem area for those who have suffered from trauma. If you cannot focus then you cannot create change. Blessed be that now there are a number of simple to use tools that will go a long way towards enabling you to remedy this situation. The science of Brain function has made great strides in understanding how this magnificent piece of creative software works. This has led to advances in technology designed to alter Brain wave frequencies. If you are like me you tried with dismal results to practice Meditation but withoutrepparttar 122811 ability to focus you were doomed to fail. Enter, Brain wave technology, in an audio format that you can use to achieve relaxation and meditative states as well as enhance learning abilities. I have tried some of these tools and found them to be

Seven Tips to Keep up Your New Year Resolutions

Written by Lakshmi Menon

There are many people who enthusiastically make their New Year resolutions with a fond hope that they will stick to them and thus make changes in their life forrepparttar better.

But they will soon find that they cannot keep up those resolutions and are back to their old life. How sad it is!

Some may be able to make it last for a week, or maximum for a month or two, and slowly give it up. Hardly a small percentage of people can actually keep up their resolutions to their satisfaction.

Are you one of them belonging torepparttar 122809 former category? If so,repparttar 122810 following tips will help you to stick to your resolutions. I have found them personally useful on most of my resolutions.

1. Before makingrepparttar 122811 resolution, think carefully and ask yourself whether you really want to do that or not.

2. If your answer is "Yes" make a firm decision that at any cost you will see to that you will keep it up.

3. Once you have made up your mind to your resolution which you believe is better for your improvement, write it on a piece of paper and read it loudly, at least five times, until your mind absorbs it fully.

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