Written by Irvin L. Rozier

Food onrepparttar Table...story number 22 out of 50 from my book, My Walk withrepparttar 126726 Lord

Psalm 37.25 "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seenrepparttar 126727 righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread."

During a period of unemploymentrepparttar 126728 money was scarce. I was a single parent with three growing children to feed. As I read my Bible that morning,repparttar 126729 above scripture spoke to my heart. We were down to a couple of cans of beans and some grits. I went torepparttar 126730 Lord and asked Him to send us some money to buy food or send us some groceries, someway, somehow. I told no one exceptrepparttar 126731 Lord aboutrepparttar 126732 extreme lack of food.

That evening,repparttar 126733 children and I went to church. It was a good time of worship ofrepparttar 126734 Lord. Whenrepparttar 126735 service ended, most of those in attendance gathered aroundrepparttar 126736 altar and made our requests known to God. As I rose from my knees, I hadrepparttar 126737 peace that passes all understanding andrepparttar 126738 blessed assurance that everything was going to be okay. This event happened right before Thanksgiving.

Devas are related to angels

Written by Judi Singleton

Devas are related to angels there are two distinct meanings of Devas In Hinduism and Buddhism are a lot more complex then those ofrepparttar

Western world. In Sanskrit Deva means shining one.

Madame Helena P. Blavatsky, co-founder ofrepparttar 126725 Theosophical Society,

introduced torepparttar 126726 West her own conception of devas. She saw them as a type of angel. She thought they came from from previous planetary

periods. They came to earth beforerepparttar 126727 elementals. They would stay

dormant until earth's people evolved to a certain spiritual stage and

then they would help man evolve. Certain people seemed to evolved to that point now. They have partnered

withrepparttar 126728 people at Findhorn in Scotland and Perelandra, in

Washington,DC.This partnership was discovered inrepparttar 126729 produce of

Findhorn in Scotland and Perelandra in Washington, DC. Being a gardner myself these places have always fascinated me. I have read extensively aboutrepparttar 126730 relationship betweenrepparttar 126731 Devas and humans in these places. It seems thatrepparttar 126732 Devas are assigned to

every living thing includingrepparttar 126733 soil. Inrepparttar 126734 above places they have

educated humans on planting, soil ammendments, fertilization, and

taking care ofrepparttar 126735 plants there. They grew enormous vegetation in poor

soil and climate. plant care.

I personally have called onrepparttar 126736 Devas of my little piece of land and I

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