Written by Bob Leduc

What is your target market? When I ask business owners that question I usually hear something like...

* Small Business Owners * Opportunity Seekers * Doctors * Homeowners

Do you definerepparttar targeted market for your business similar to one of these? If you do, you're working harder and spending more money than necessary to promote your business. And you're enjoying only a fraction ofrepparttar 121942 sales you should be getting.

Most business owners recognizerepparttar 121943 value of targeting a market. But when you target a broad audience like those listed above, you're only targeting prospects who CAN use your product or service. You have to narrow your focus if you want to target prospects who are LIKELY to use your product or service. One ofrepparttar 121944 best ways to do this is to find a niche market.


A niche market is a narrowly defined group that includes all ofrepparttar 121945 following:

1. Individuals inrepparttar 121946 group haverepparttar 121947 same specialized interests and needs. 2. They have a strong desire for what you offer. 3. You have (or you can create) a compelling reason for prospects inrepparttar 121948 group to do business with you instead of with someone else. 4. You can easily reach individual prospects withinrepparttar 121949 group. 5. The group is large enough to producerepparttar 121950 volume of business you need. 6. The group is small enough that your competition is likely to overlook it.


A niche market enables you to target your sales messages with great precision. The more narrowly you define your niche marketrepparttar 121951 easier it is to cater torepparttar 121952 specifically defined interests of people in that market.

For example, some businesses describe their target market as "opportunity seekers". But this is a broad audience. You cannot cater to specifically defined personal interests of individuals in this group because it may include all ofrepparttar 121953 following:

* Executives who want to get out ofrepparttar 121954 corporate environment and start their own business * New mothers who want to start a home based business * Students who want to generate some extra income


Written by Bob Leduc

I have a friend who is one ofrepparttar top sales producers with a large life insurance company. Tony was born in Italy and grew up near Naples. He moved torepparttar 121941 US about 15 years ago. He was immediately hired by his present company because he had prior experience selling insurance to US military personnel in Italy.

Tony soon discovered that a large number of Italian restaurant owners inrepparttar 121942 US city where he now lived were from a small village outside of Naples. Not only did they speak Italian, they spoke his dialect. It wasn't long before Tony was getting most of his business from these Italian restaurant owners. Nobody else can duplicaterepparttar 121943 'natural' relationship he has with them. It'srepparttar 121944 primary reason why Tony became one ofrepparttar 121945 top producers in his company.

Tony's relationship with his clients illustratesrepparttar 121946 powerful advantage of capitalizing on a 'natural market'.


A natural market isrepparttar 121947 portion of your target market that shares a unique personal characteristic with you. It automatically creates a relationship between you and a prospect in your target market for a PERSONAL reason. For example:

Let's say you're a teacher or have been a teacher inrepparttar 121948 past. You're also a distributor for an MLM company selling healthcare products. You define your target market as people interested in preserving or improving their health and who are also interested in a business opportunity. Some of those prospects haverepparttar 121949 ADDITIONAL CHARACTERISTIC of being teachers or former teachers, just like you. That's a natural market for you. You can communicate with them on a special personal basis.

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