Written by Christopher

You need to keep looking for new ways to market your product and services. Many clients of mine stick with 2 or 3 types of method, and think that’s all they need to do – they just sit back, relax and hope that these techniques alone will pay off.

Alas, it’s not enough to hope that a couple of ads here and there will propel your product and make you rich - it’s not going to happen.

To be successful, you need to keep plugging away using ads, publications and inventing new ways to satisfy your customers. It’s like life-long learning – it never stops, so just accept it. It’s less stressful to do that.

There are an infinite number of ways to market a business. Here, for example, are some additional ways to maximise your marketing program:

Thank customers for their business. A Thank You card or compliments slip with every purchase, is a nice touch, and people tend to go where they are appreciated. This also provides an opportunity to advertise onrepparttar Thank You card itself………..

Get more referrals. Spend time talking to anyone, help them out (even if you make no profit fromrepparttar 120364 deal) as they will remember. They may know someone that could use your services.

Focus on Your Target Audience!

Written by Robin Nobles

Focus on Your Target Audience! By Robin Nobles

Search engine optimizers often forget who our true audience really is. We get so wrapped up in trying to pleaserepparttar search engines that we forget to focus on our target audience: our users.

What we've got to do is forget aboutrepparttar 120363 search engines and concentrate totally on our customers. I call it . . .

Optimization without optimization . . . focus on your target audience and forgetrepparttar 120364 search engines!

Fact #1:

On-page factors have made a come back, and I'm thrilled. If we've played our cards right and continued to use our tags as we should have, we're right where we need to be now thatrepparttar 120365 major engines are once again consideringrepparttar 120366 contents of META tags when determining relevancy.

Fact #2:

Concentrate on giving your users what they want to see when they visit your site: good quality, well-written, valuable content.

Fact #3:

Focusing on one particular theme/focus on each of your Web pages is crucial torepparttar 120367 success of that page. Don't deviate fromrepparttar 120368 focus of each page, includingrepparttar 120369 outbound/inbound links.

Don't forget to focus on your target audience!

When writing new content for your Web site, focus on your target audience and what they want to see when they visit your site. What type of information are they looking for? What do they want to learn when they visit your site?

If you have an online jewelry store, can you provide information on how to clean silver jewelry? How to polish gold? How to clean diamonds? How to clean fragile opals?

Focus on your target audience! ( .htm)

If you sell antique books online, what about creating informational pages about some ofrepparttar 120370 more famous authors that talk about their lives and their books, with links torepparttar 120371 books you have for sale?

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