FAQ About Needlework

Written by Katrina Renouf

How should I anchor my floss atrepparttar beginning?

Though some people will tell you otherwise, never use knots in needlework. It tends to cause a bulge onrepparttar 145335 front ofrepparttar 145336 fabric whenrepparttar 145337 piece is mounted. To start, holdrepparttar 145338 end ofrepparttar 145339 floss onrepparttar 145340 reverse side and stitch over it withrepparttar 145341 first couple stitches. To finish off a strand runrepparttar 145342 needle under a few stitches onrepparttar 145343 back. Avoid anchoring colored threads under white threads sincerepparttar 145344 color tends to show through torepparttar 145345 front. Trimrepparttar 145346 tails.

The technique I use is one that I learned from my aunt. Start by separating one long strand of floss and doubling it over on itself so it forms a loop at one end. Threadrepparttar 145347 two raw ends throughrepparttar 145348 needle. Begin by taking your needle up throughrepparttar 145349 fabric. Make your first stitch, and go down throughrepparttar 145350 fabric. Take your needle throughrepparttar 145351 loop. The thread is now anchored securely, and looks neater onrepparttar 145352 back.

I have finished a piece of cross-stitch work and now I cannot getrepparttar 145353 creases fromrepparttar 145354 hoop out. I do not need to wash it how can I get them out?

You can damped it and iron it, BUTrepparttar 145355 floss colors might run beads might melt orrepparttar 145356 crease might not come out all together. Before trying this be sure to take some strands of floss and put them on a sample ofrepparttar 145357 cloth and dampen them to see ifrepparttar 145358 color runs. When you iron, use a cool iron onrepparttar 145359 back ofrepparttar 145360 design, and put a towel on both sides, never put an iron directly onrepparttar 145361 stitches! Alternatively you could go to your dry cleaners and ask them if them could help with a light steam iron, but know ifrepparttar 145362 colors can run.

The best way to get them out is to avoid getting them inrepparttar 145363 first place. I would suggest that you takerepparttar 145364 fabric out ofrepparttar 145365 hoop every time you stop sewing, and move it to a slightly different place each time. Another option is to place a piece of plastic wrap betweenrepparttar 145366 top hoop andrepparttar 145367 fabric before stitching. Then all you just cut out a hole for stitching. This keepsrepparttar 145368 hoop from touchingrepparttar 145369 fabric.

Keeping Your Needlework Clean

Written by Katrina Renouf

The best way to clean your needlework is to keep it clean fromrepparttar beginning; this doesn’t always happen (as I very well know). I can give you some tips on how to make this more likely to happen, and also how to get out those inevitable stains.

One ofrepparttar 145334 first things you can do to prevent stains is to setrepparttar 145335 colors in your fabric and floss. It isn’t always necessary to wash your fabric first, but a good thing to do is to put it in a solution of one part white vinegar to three parts cold water. This ensures thatrepparttar 145336 colors won’t run. I have never heard of this shrinkingrepparttar 145337 fabric either, so don’t worry about that, just make sure you always use cold water. It’s always a good idea to setrepparttar 145338 colors in regular cotton threads, especiallyrepparttar 145339 darker ones. You can use that same solution to setrepparttar 145340 colors in your threads, just soak them for about 15 minutes. After soaking, rinse in cold water for a few minutes or untilrepparttar 145341 water runs clear. Just dry them on a towel overnight, and they’ll be ready to use inrepparttar 145342 morning.

Naturallyrepparttar 145343 best way to prevent stains while stitching is to make sure that your hands are clean. You should also avoid using hand lotion since most lotions contain an oil product which ca result in greasy spots on your needlework. Hoops are also notorious for leaving dirty marks. I suggest using tissue paper with a small open area forrepparttar 145344 section being stitched. Also, removingrepparttar 145345 hoop when you are not stitching can cut down on marks dramatically. A third major way to stain your fabric is by having someone else spill something on it or otherwise stain it while you’re not around. People with children know how easy that can happen. The best solution for this is to store your projects in plastic zipper bags. They now make them with small holes in them to allow them to breath. Make sure that you roll your fabric instead of folding it. The creases caused by folding tend to collect dirt, and are difficult to get out even if they’re ironed.

Now, to discussrepparttar 145346 inevitable, No matter what we do to prevent them, stains do happen. Make sure you deal withrepparttar 145347 stain as soon as it happens, letting it sit untilrepparttar 145348 piece is done will make it more difficult to getrepparttar 145349 stain out. One tip I have heard is that you should always use a pure soap, like Ivory, and not detergent or WoolLite, since they can have dyes or bleach in them. I have divided uprepparttar 145350 following paragraphs intorepparttar 145351 most common stains, and ways I have heard to get them out.

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