Written by Mark B. Replogle

Pastor Juan Ortiz with Occludado Hermanadad, of Mexico, predicted John Kerry would berepparttar new president ofrepparttar 126717 United States in 2004. Over 30,000 people onrepparttar 126718 Internet read about his claim that God told him to make this prophecy. They all now know that pastor Ortiz is a false prophet ofrepparttar 126719 anti-Christ.

Some of my readers were biblically astute and kind enough to share their insights with me. I will use two emails I received to illustraterepparttar 126720 use of test number four to determine who is a false prophet. That test is; doesrepparttar 126721 Holy Spirit within you bear witness torepparttar 126722 truth of whatrepparttar 126723 prophet has said?

Ms. A wrote, “I am a Catholic convert, and see Kerry as an evil man”. Mr. V wrote, “The gift of prophecy should not bring vain attention. If someone is truly given prophetic information they know thatrepparttar 126724 information is only to be used to helprepparttar 126725 world come closer to Christ. How does announcing who will win do this?”

The Holy Spirit is God. He is absolutely holy and just. He lives withinrepparttar 126726 heart of every true believer of Jesus Christ. Moreover, God tells us at John 16:13-15, says "But when he,repparttar 126727 Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. All that belongs torepparttar 126728 Father is mine. That is why I saidrepparttar 126729 Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you".

You have doubtless heard people say that they have a witness in their spirit about something. Such sayings really do have a basis in reality and scripture. When you hear a prophet claim to give a word from God, then one way to determine its origin is to ask yourself does your spirit give you peace or a thumbs up to that voice? Ifrepparttar 126730 prophet did hear from God, thenrepparttar 126731 Holy Spirit within you will be telling your spirit that indeedrepparttar 126732 prophet did hear from God. The Holy Spirit will give peace to your spirit.

Ifrepparttar 126733 prophet did not hear from God, thenrepparttar 126734 Holy Spirit within you will be speaking warning to your spirit. That is why you sometimes hear people say that they have a check in their spirit about something.

The Emmaus Journal - "I'm Mad as Hell, and I Am Not Going To Take it Anymore"

Written by C.L. Mareydt

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge as long asrepparttar by-lines and resource box are included. A courtesy copy ofrepparttar 126716 publication would be appreciated sent to email link listed below. Thank You. __________________________________________________________ Article Excerpt from The Emmaus Journal © C.L. Mareydt d23 _______________________________________________________________
The Emmaus Journal - "I'm Mad as Hell, and I Am Not Going To Take It Anymore"

Got your attention on that title. No apology, because Hell is drawing more and more like a magnet toward its rim of perpetual death. It is happening all around us and we apparently do not, or do not want to, see it. Perhaps in some innocuous way we have given a lazy mental assent learned from our ingrained doctrines of Death and Hell. But, our testimony inrepparttar 126717 meantime is not sure and not complete!

Oh, salvation is notrepparttar 126718 question, at least forrepparttar 126719 authentic Christian majority that have professed Yahshua as Lord and Savior. Butrepparttar 126720 Life Yahshua sacrificed onrepparttar 126721 cross is meant for more thanrepparttar 126722 gift of salvation. Instead it has unfortunately been diluted and polluted into a nefarious collection of high minded religious churches filled with deceitful doctrines full of idolatry, greed, and lust.

Please forgive me for such uncomplimentary statements. But, there are enough lies and delusions that have been set upon us all. We are being controlled and do not even know it. Controlled spiritually, soulfully, and naturally. Controlled byrepparttar 126723 Religious Pharisees that abound in numbers withinrepparttar 126724 religious denominations. Controlled byrepparttar 126725 Doctrines of Devils we have given our itchy ears to. Controlled by such Teachers who have set their kingdomly dictates for all of us to stumble after in blind obedience, usually to our own hurt. Controlled byrepparttar 126726 ever so clever vises of our Enemy, Satan himself. Cloaked as a wolf in sheep's clothing. Cloaked as an Angel of Light. Cloaked asrepparttar 126727 lying Prophets speaking out of their own spirits. Satan and all his demon host are drawingrepparttar 126728 religious church closer and closer torepparttar 126729 darkened pit. He is frantically laughing allrepparttar 126730 way, for even Satan knows his time is limited and is only more determined to take as many souls as he can with him torepparttar 126731 fiery depths of his destined chasm.

Yes, I am talking to Christians, about Christians! We know this World does belong to YaHWeH, our Elohim, and eventually it will all return to His absolute authority. But, to this date through allrepparttar 126732 generations past and into this Dispensation of Grace, YaHWeH has allowed Satan and his angels of darkness to have a powerful influence over allrepparttar 126733 inhabitants of this earth. Very easily seen isrepparttar 126734 degradation that has befallen us in a worldly sense. Plain as day and statistically verifiedrepparttar 126735 criminal activity worldwide in lawlessness onrepparttar 126736 streets and inrepparttar 126737 boardrooms has skyrocketed. We have only to look at America's ever acclaimed and highly advertised 'Sin City' as a pitiful example of our own nationwide morality to boot. Las Vegas has been built uponrepparttar 126738 so called '9 deadly sins' and is constantly praising itself asrepparttar 126739 vacation spot for all tourist and all Americans. Even now, our larger cities are opting for their 'Gaming License' in hopes it will help their ever failing revenues and draw more people intorepparttar 126740 cities to spend more money. Do I dare even ask how many Christians support such activities? This example is but a worldly advocate of lust and greed. We understandrepparttar 126741 worldly population carousing in such exploits of idolatry, and pointly shake our judgmental finger at them. But to be in godly righteousness we must also turn that finger-pointing toward ourselves.

Idolatry, greed, and lust come in many Christian Religious forms as well, but not as easily discerned. Yes, cleverly disguised, but grievously still there. It seemsrepparttar 126742 new church walls cannot containrepparttar 126743 overflowing crowds lately. Men, women and children muscle their way into these religious forums, after coming through a week of game playing out inrepparttar 126744 world. Please, I know many God fearing church members also, who are right along siderepparttar 126745 rest. But, this is addressingrepparttar 126746 percentages withinrepparttar 126747 crowd that claimrepparttar 126748 so called Christian title, withoutrepparttar 126749 revelation of Yahshua's reality andrepparttar 126750 Kingdom of YaHWeH in their heart. Too many inrepparttar 126751 church masses are mortgaged over their head, not once but two or three times; insured torepparttar 126752 hilt to prevent any calamity of nature, credit card debts that would make a hamster on its running wheel look sane, supporting lifestyles that produce more ulcers and headaches inrepparttar 126753 long run with dysfunctional families that cannot communicate. Sickness, disease, and oppression abound into worldly bondage's that plaguerepparttar 126754 heart and soul unto a living death. But, all these great church services are available for them. Most church services perform two and three times on Sunday morning not to forgetrepparttar 126755 evening meetings, plusrepparttar 126756 mid week services all to alleviaterepparttar 126757 pressing consciousness of good and evil. Each of these services are faithfully geared towardrepparttar 126758 uplifting of its pew people along with many support ministries within house forrepparttar 126759 extended care designated to these ailing Christians. Tapes abound, books abound, seminars abound, retreats, specialized prayer meetings, plays, dinners, luncheons, picnics, carnivals, bingo, rummage sales, secret sister societies, brotherhood meetings...please continue and add your own list. My, my, my. All centered of coarse around worship, praise andrepparttar 126760 Word.

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