Ezine As A Viral Marketing Tool

Written by Douglas Peirseille

A very popular method of marketing ezines and newsletters is by making them viral. If your newsletter contains information of value, such as tips, hints, news or tutorials, you'll find that subscribers will forward it on to others.

Ezine Advertising is one ofrepparttar most powerful ways to market and promote your other products and or services. There are literally thousands of electronic newsletters onrepparttar 139765 Internet with millions of people who subscribe to them. Placing ads in online newsletters is an inexpensive way to reach your target market quickly -- especially when you compare it with other forms of advertising.

In 2002, ezine publishing took a quantum leap, as its status evolved from "amateur's hobby" into becomingrepparttar 139766 most powerful marketing tool for business online. Email newsletters have come of age, and increasingly, more ezines will take this route, as subscribers prefer them to drab, lack-luster text-only ezines. Inrepparttar 139767 coming year we'll see more ezines published.

There are tens of thousands of Ezines being published every month, with a collective audience of millions. Andrepparttar 139768 editors of most of those Ezines are all looking for quality content for their newsletters.

If you master this technique of makingrepparttar 139769 Ezine viral you can get your name and your website URL in front of 100,000 or even a million readers.

Tips for makingrepparttar 139770 ezine viral

Pick a topic that you know something about and then go torepparttar 139771 Search Engines and find as many websites as you can that deal with that subject.

As well as collecting information for your article, make a note of any URLs that offer free resources dealing withrepparttar 139772 topic of your article. Include those URLs in your article.

You should choose a topic very carefully. Oncerepparttar 139773 topic is selected, doing enough research onrepparttar 139774 subject is vital. Organizerepparttar 139775 material and write in an interesting style. Make sure that you provide links to free resources.

The content in your Ezine should not be pure sales copy. There has to be valuable and genuine information. Promotion of your product or service should be subtle. Viral marketing using Ezine is different than running an E Mail marketing campaign that blasts millions of mail messages to unsuspecting readers.

Atrepparttar 139776 end of your article, attach a 5 or 6-line 'Resource Box' that includes your website URL and/or your email address.

Jump Start Your Network

Written by Julie Chance

Jump Start Your Network with People You Already Know

By Julie Chance Networking is often identified as a key business building activity for small business owners, especially those just getting started. Often we think of networking as meeting as many new people as possible. However often, as was pointed out to me following a recent presentation I gave on networking, we overlook a key group of people as we set out to develop our network. And that is those people we already know.

Incorporatingrepparttar people you already know into your networking activities is crucial because you already have a relationship with them.

They are people with whom you already have credibility. They already knowrepparttar 139670 quality of your work.

Therefore, you don’t have to go throughrepparttar 139671 relationship and credibility building stages before these contacts are willing to do business with you or recommend you to others.

Many ofrepparttar 139672 people you already know may be people you haven’t spoken with in awhile and most certainly if you are just getting started with your business, they have known you in another context. So how do you begin to develop an active network of these individuals?

Develop a list. Start by developing a list of everyone you have worked for inrepparttar 139673 past, everyone who has worked for you, and those people you have worked with. If it does not raise legal or ethical issues, consider clients or customers you have worked with in former positions. Include family, friends and associates from other activities that you have participated in such as civic organizations, church or social/hobby groups. Go through your address book, bothrepparttar 139674 one you currently use and any old ones you might have lying around; review membership lists of any organizations you belong to; if you have phone directories for any companies you used to work for or client listings from these companies review those.

Prioritizerepparttar 139675 list. If you are like most people, your list will probably be pretty long and it may seem like a daunting task to begin reconnecting and re-establishing relationships with those you are no longer in contact with. Prioritizerepparttar 139676 list with those who are most likely to have a need for your services or know someone who is likely to have a need atrepparttar 139677 top.

Gather contact information. It is likely that you have lost touch with at least some ofrepparttar 139678 individuals on your list. Who do you have contact information for that might be able to provide you with a current telephone number or e-mail address for someone else on your list? The process of collecting contact information for those you have lost contact with is a great way to beginrepparttar 139679 process of reconnecting with those on your list that you do know how to reach.

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