Explosive Value of Foreign Links

Written by Ken Kovach

Explosive Value of Foreign Links Best Linking Exposure Do you live in a Foreign Country or speak a second language? Even if you don't, you can take advantage of this easy to implement linking tip.

Do a search on a foreign language search engine for a product very similar to your own. Then simply contactrepparttar owner ofrepparttar 100916 site and ask him if he would like to exchange links with you. If you have an affiliate program attached to your product, allrepparttar 100917 better, as it will give more motivation forrepparttar 100918 link exchange.

Ifrepparttar 100919 site owner agrees, you have just received a valuable link exchange. 1) You are linked torepparttar 100920 site which came up first inrepparttar 100921 foreign search engine forrepparttar 100922 same product you are offering. Chances are most ofrepparttar 100923 English speakers in that country will follow your link out of interest and that could be a lot of targeted traffic. 2)You have also increased your search engine positioning with linking power.

This can really get exciting if you can exchange links with websites with top search engine positioning. This may be a slower method of building advertising and take a little more of a personal touch. But inrepparttar 100924 long runrepparttar 100925 personal touch always wins. Exchanging links like this is almost like endorsing each others products to a degree.

Wrapping Up Profits with a Package Deal

Written by Marcia Yudkin

A landscaping company complained to a reporter that instead of carefully defining their needs, interested prospects say, "Send us a proposal."

"That's like saying, 'Go buy a car,'" objectedrepparttar owner. "We need to get people to think about what they want."

Not necessarily. They can set up new customers well in less time by offering a line-up of package deals. Packages of services or products provide a combination of options at a set price, instead of forcing people to identify repparttar 100915 ideal mixture for their needs.

Barbara Leff, founder of Legal Web Works, created special packages for her target market, law firms with up to five attorneys. "Some are behindrepparttar 100916 technology curve," she says, "and they prefer to spend their time practicing law and adding billable hours."

Leff's all-inclusive Web site package deals greatly simplify lawyers' design decisions and ensure that they're not sucked into a black hole of unlimited charges. They can mix and match design elements freely, and add extras torepparttar 100917 package for an extra fee.

"For lawyers who are tempted to say, 'I need a Web site,' I demystifyrepparttar 100918 process," Leff says. "The package deals make getting small law firms ontorepparttar 100919 Web as painless and as cost-effective as can be."

Package deals involve additional dynamics that marketers can take advantage of. While package deals often involve discounted prices,repparttar 100920 opposite can work too. Whenrepparttar 100921 combination of items is exciting enough and includes at least one product or service that's not usually available, people may become willing to pay much more than they ordinarily would.

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