Exploit power of your mind

Written by Ajay Pats

The mind is an infinite wonder. It hasrepparttar fantastic ability to transmute your desires into their physical counterparts. You can do anything that your mind can conceive, as long as you haverepparttar 123137 belief and will power to back it up. Takerepparttar 123138 case of cancer patients who were given placebo pills. These are just plain pills that have no healing capabilities. So how did they get well? The power came from their thoughts. They were told that these pills containrepparttar 123139 highest amounts of cancer-fighing ingredients which can effectively cure them in a matter of days. See how powerful your mind is? They believed that their health will be restored. They have registered in their minds that these pills will cure them of their illnesses. Inrepparttar 123140 process,repparttar 123141 belief embedded within their subconscious came to reality. So how can you use your mind to achieve your dreams? One ofrepparttar 123142 most effective ways is to userepparttar 123143 "as if" principle. Act as if you arerepparttar 123144 person you want to be. Act as if you are already in possession of whatever you long to have. So what do you want to be? You want to be a lawyer, doctor, athlete, or newscaster? Think, act, and feel like one. You'll be much closer to your goal if you're constantly intact with your objective. Be obsessed with your dream. It doesn't mean that if you want to be Superman you'll fly outrepparttar 123145 window. Not a good idea! It's not enough that you act like one, but you have to actually ACT. Do what needs to be done. You

What's the Balance in Your Personal Trust Account

Written by Suzanne Solle

We think we know ourselves better than anyone else because we spend 24/7 in our own skin.

But many times, we say and do more damaging things to ourselves than we would ever consider inflicting on someone we detest. We believe that we knowrepparttar "real" us and that deep down, that person isn't too great.

This certainly isn't logical and at some level, I know that I'm really a good person. I don't make a habit of hurting other people, and I want to make a positive impact onrepparttar 123136 world. So, why did I sometimes hear myself saying things like, "Why did you do that, you big dummy?" or "Get off your butt and do something, lazy"?

One day, out ofrepparttar 123137 seeming blue,repparttar 123138 answer hit me. I was so hard on myself because I didn't love myself enough. In other words, I had a "negative" balance in my personal "trust" account. I didn't trust myself enough to berepparttar 123139 kind of person I desired to be plus, I wasrepparttar 123140 only one making allrepparttar 123141 withdrawals from my account.

How do you make withdrawals from your personal trust account? You do it when someone says something hurtful that you know is untrue and you remain silent or worse, you agree with them. You do it when you start an exercise program and then don't go torepparttar 123142 gym as you promised yourself or you stay in a job that you know rewards you much less than you're worth, or conflicts with your personal values.

So, if you're making allrepparttar 123143 withdrawals, who makes deposits into your trust account? That's your job, one that only you can do. Some examples include making and keeping social appointments with people that support you and matter to you, telling someone immediately after they've intentionally hurt you that you don't accept that, and meaning it,asking someone you admire to mentor you, then actually acting upon their advice.

I believe with all my heart that each of us is a fantastic human being. We've just got to get out of our own way. What we've done and experienced inrepparttar 123144 past is gone and, most importantly, it's not us. We are not what we do or what has been done to us. We are what you are, and that's more than enough.

Try to visualize your internal personal trust account. See a blank ledger page or an empty, clear glass piggy bank and imagine that you are starting with balance of zero, a totally clean slate.

Now, try to think of a couple of deposits you can make to your account today. It's OK to start small, such as making an appointment with yourself to take a 20-minute walk to enhance your physical health and clear your mind. Or, you could call an estranged family member or friend and just let that person know that you miss them. You don't necessarily have to apologize or reopen old wounds, just berepparttar 123145 one to reach out. Even if they reject you, your courage to pick uprepparttar 123146 phone and risk that pain will increase your self-esteem enormously.

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