No matter what type of business venture you tackle, *Attitude* is
single most important factor that will determine your success.If you start your business with
*Attitude* that you are in it for
long haul -- you make a commitment that, no matter what, you will consistently work your business for a minimum of one to three years without giving up -- you will succeed. If you do not start your business with that *Attitude*, you have failed before you have even begun.
The 3 Key Attitudes for Success Are:
1. Consistency
Whether you are working your business full-time or part-time, you need to commit a certain number of hours each week to your business, and then work your business
full number of hours you committed - no excuses!
One way to manage your schedule is to sit down over
weekend with a calendar and mark
specific hours you intend to work your business during
upcoming week. Then, you MUST work your business during
hours you scheduled.
guys call to invite you out for a beer during your scheduled work hours, what will you say?
"Maybe another time. I have to work."
girls invite you to go to a movie during your scheduled work hours, what will you tell them?
"I can't this time, I have to work."
And, if you are married (especially if you have children), it is a good idea to work in a room with a door. Let your family know that, when
door is closed, you are working and they shouldn't disturb you unless it's a life and death emergency.
Remember, your business is a real job and requires a time commitment from you. If you need to, make yourself a time card to track your hours. Do whatever it takes to discipline yourself to work
hours you committed to your business each and every week.
A word of caution: don't get caught up in using your scheduled time to push papers and clean your desk. You should spend your precious work hours performing actions that will generate results for your business!!
2. Persistency
We all have ups and downs in life. In fact, our emotions change from moment to moment. No matter how you are feeling, you must work your business at
scheduled times, just as you would if you were going to a regular job.
In addition, life has a way of throwing obstacles in our path. Many persons stop when they reach an obstacle, and they never get where they want to in life. On
other hand, persons who keep on going -- in spite of
obstacles before them -- reap great rewards.