Expanding on Scalp Extensions - A Step-by-step Look into the Procedure

Written by Maggie Kay

A scalp extension is a method of scalp reduction that has two purposes inrepparttar field of hair restoration:

1) To stretchrepparttar 114535 hair-bearing areas ofrepparttar 114536 scalp and allow them to coverrepparttar 114537 reduced bald section ofrepparttar 114538 scalp.

2) To act as a damage control technique by loosening a scalp that has been pulled too tight duringrepparttar 114539 scalp reduction procedure.

A scalp extension makes use of a surgical device calledrepparttar 114540 Frechet Extender that consists of two rows of hooks connected by broad-based elastic bands. The tool is placed just beneathrepparttar 114541 surface ofrepparttar 114542 scalp and forcesrepparttar 114543 skin to loosen and stretch overrepparttar 114544 scalp. This operation facilitatesrepparttar 114545 process of scalp reduction.

Scalp extensions are performed in 2 steps:

What Causes Us To Age?

Written by Kim Beardsmore

Science has made stunning discoveries in this area of human interest, it's something we all want to know - can we slow downrepparttar process of ageing, can we live longer, if so, how? It's a highly technical subject, too detailed to look at in-depth within this article. But, we can give you some powerful pointers to help slow downrepparttar 114534 ageing process and increase your chances of a healthier old age.

What determines your biological 'age'?

Our parents precondition us from a young age to believe that we'll live to a certain age. We walk around with a particular notion in our subconscious that we have a pre-defined lifespan of between 60-90 years. But there is no definitive speed at which a person should gracefully age because we are all so different. Some people seem to look and act eternally young - ageless, wrinkleless! Others, less fortunate, look old beyond their years. Our body's biological age is a reflection of our physical, mental and spiritual journey through life. In perfect conditions, our bodies can survive to an age of 125 years! Look atrepparttar 114535 two very different lists below,repparttar 114536 potential for ageing becomes quite obvious when you compare such a stark difference in lifestyle.

The first person has allrepparttar 114537 attributes to significantly slow downrepparttar 114538 ageing process and live to a ripe old age with good health.

Lifestyle characteristics that promote longevity:

. Regularly partakes in enjoyable exercise

. Enjoyable career and tolerates 'healthy' stress

. Generally happy relationships with spouse and children

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