Exercises You Probably Don't Do But Should!

Written by Bob Blick

Exercises You Probably Have Never Tried . . . But Should!

This is going to be kinda short and sweet. . . . Maybe not too sweet.

Here's 3 exercises to throw into your routine that will shake it up a little. A little unorthodox but these will give you a workout in itself.

Knee Lift Crunch

Lie on your back, cross your hands across your body, and lift up into a crunch position. Stay in this position throughout this exercise. You will probably start shaking some when you nearrepparttar end of this exercise.

Now lift your feet offrepparttar 112868 ground. Again, they stay here throughout.

Bringrepparttar 112869 right knee torepparttar 112870 chest in a slow, steady movement. Return and dorepparttar 112871 same withrepparttar 112872 left knee.

Important . . . this is not a bicycle type legs in motion movement. Your knee is brought to your chest,repparttar 112873 leg returns torepparttar 112874 starting position, and thenrepparttar 112875 other knee is brought torepparttar 112876 chest.


Written by BobbyBabes99

If Terri Schiavo,repparttar severely brain-damaged Florida woman, was your child, how easy would it be for you to watch her die from lack of water and food. If she has feelings enough to smile with her mother, then she might also have feelings enough to feelrepparttar 112867 pain of dying in this manner. Even our worst criminal offenders are fed and given water until they die. Does a harmless, helpless person deserve any less? If our Government can afford to spend millions of taxpayers' dollars feeding immigrants

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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