Exercise and Diabetes

Written by Joe Serpico

There are two main types of diabetes, type I and type II. Type I diabetes is characterized byrepparttar pancreas making too little or no insulin. An individual with diabetes type I will have to inject insulin throughoutrepparttar 145323 day in order to control glucose levels. Type II diabetes, also known as adult onset diabetes, is characterized byrepparttar 145324 pancreas not producing enough insulin to control glucose levels orrepparttar 145325 cells not responding to insulin. When a cell does not respond to insulin, it is known as insulin resistance. When a subject is diagnosed with type II diabetes, exercise and weight control are prescribed as measures to help with insulin resistance. If this does not control glucose levels, then medication is prescribed. The risk factors for type II diabetes include: inactivity, high cholesterol, obesity, and hypertension. Inactivity alone is a very strong risk factor that has been proven to lead to diabetes type II. Exercise will have a positive effect on diabetes type II while improving insulin sensitivity while type I cannot be controlled be an exercise program. Over 90% of individuals with diabetes have type II.

Exercise causesrepparttar 145326 body to process glucose faster, which lowers blood sugar. The more intenserepparttar 145327 exercise,repparttar 145328 fasterrepparttar 145329 body will utilize glucose. Therefore it is important to understandrepparttar 145330 differences in training with type I and type II diabetes. It is important for an individual who has diabetes to check with a physician before beginning an exercise program. When training with a diabetic, it is important to understandrepparttar 145331 dangers of injecting insulin immediately prior to exercise. An individual with type I diabetes injecting their normal amount of insulin for a sedentary situation can poserepparttar 145332 risk of hypoglycemia or insulin shock during exercise. General exercise guidelines for type I are as follows: allow adequate rest during exercise sessions to prevent high blood pressure, use low impact exercises and avoid heavy weight lifting, and always have a supply of carbohydrates nearby. If blood sugar levels get too low,repparttar 145333 individual may feel shaky, disoriented, hungry, anxious, become irritable or experience trembling. Consuming a carbohydrate snack or beverage will alleviate these symptoms in a matter of minutes.

Suffering From Constant Headaches - 3 Proven & Effective Ways For Relief

Written by EmilyClark

Are you suffering from constant headaches? Headaches are a common ailment, but research has uncovered treatments that may help your problem almost disappear.

According torepparttar National Headache Foundation (NHF) tension headaches affect nearly 78% ofrepparttar 145322 adult population. 13% ofrepparttar 145323 population suffers from migraines. Becauserepparttar 145324 causes of migraines varies greatly, what relieves a migraine in one person may trigger an attack in another. The suggestions here are guidelines for those who suffer regularly from tension headaches which may have an identifiable physical cause.


Some headache sufferers notice a connection with eating or drinking foods with aspartame. For those who are sensitive torepparttar 145325 chemical it may cause blood vessels to expand inrepparttar 145326 brain and trigger a headache.

Caffeine is used to treat headaches. It's proprieties can assist pain medication in providing relief and can be found in medications to treat migraines. However, too much caffeine can have a 'rebound' effect and actually cause headaches. If you suffer from regular headaches you should avoid daily use of caffeinated beverages such as coffee and certain sodas.

According torepparttar 145327 McKinley Health Center, avoiding tobacco can also reduce headaches.

Skipping meals may cause headaches in some people, so eating regular meals may prevent headaches in these individuals.


Getting enough sleep is important for everyone. If you suffer from tension headaches you may find getting your eight hours every night reducesrepparttar 145328 amount or intensity of your headaches. Onrepparttar 145329 other hand, oversleeping can bring on a headache if you don't get up at your regular time (such as onrepparttar 145330 weekend or during holidays).

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