Exercise Program

Written by Peter Kudlacz

The exercise program you choose depends entirely on your fitness goals. The exercises you will be doing andrepparttar approach you take in performing these exercises will depend on whether you wish to gain muscle and strength, tone and lose weight or just stay in shape and be healthy. I will briefly describe a sample exercise program that can be adapted for all people regardless of their age or fitness objectives.

If you are looking to build muscle or strength via a bodybuilding routine, stick to 4-5 sets of 10-12 repetitions. Focus onrepparttar 138548 positive and negative of each movement of each repetition. Gradually increaserepparttar 138549 weight as you work out to force your muscles to work. Otherwise your muscles will become programmed, accustomed torepparttar 138550 same weight and you will no longer experience any gains. There are many approaches and techniques that can be used in bodybuilding. Experiment and userepparttar 138551 best one that fits you. An excellent book about weight training and bodybuilding that discusses many different techniques to working out is The Weider System of Bodybuilding.

If you are looking to tone or just stay in shape and be healthy, an exercise program combining weight training and a cardiovascular workout is appropriate for you. When you are exercising with weights, 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions at a reasonable weight would be appropriate. Combine this with cardio exercise 1-2 times a week such as riding an exercise bike or elliptical machine or by joining classes at your gym. It is difficult to discuss in great detail in this article exactly what you should be doing. For custom exercise programs I highly recommend Global, Health and Fitness

Here is a sample exercise program that can be modified to fit any person's fitness goals. Remember that you can changerepparttar 138552 order and incorporate different exercises for each body part on weekly basis. I encourage this to prevent boredom and your body getting used torepparttar 138553 same routine.

Before beginning your workout, you should warm up for 5 - 10 minutes on an exercise bike or treadmill. This will prevent you from pulling muscles or injuring yourself. For a cool-down, you can perform stretching exercises.

Top 3 Considerations When Reading Treadmill Reviews

Written by Kathryn O'Neill

So you're excited about buying a treadmill. You're looking forward to having a premium piece of fat-burning equipment available to you 24-7 at your convenience.

Rain, snow, sleet or hail, it doesn't matter because you'll be able to workout anyway!

But wait a minute - there's so many treadmill brands to choose from!

And why are there so many differences of opinion?

If you've read many treadmill reviews in your search forrepparttar best treadmill you may have ended up a little confused:

One person swears by their Proform treadmill; another says it's a piece of junk. One expert loves Nordic Track; another expert wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

How are you supposed to make a smart decision with so many conflicting opinions?

To help you out, here arerepparttar 138518 top 3 things to keep in mind when reading treadmill reviews:

#1) Consider this: It's just ONE PERSON'S opinion.

People have different opinions on everything from movies to ice cream to cars to cities. Someone prefers Honda to General Motors. Another person prefers Dell over IBM.

That doesn't mean that one thing is necessarily better than another, it just means somebody has a preference for it.

So just because you really want to buy a Landice and one person may not agree with you doesn't make it a bad buy for you.

Keeping an open mind is always a good thing and listening to other's peoples' reasoning behind their decision can help you with your purchase.

But inrepparttar 138519 end it's your choice and it's YOUR opinion that matters.

Just because somebody doesn't like what you like, that doesn't mean you are going to make a bad decision. If your treadmill has everything YOU need, then that's what's important.

#2) Consider this: Who's writingrepparttar 138520 review?

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