Excuse Me, Your Website is Naked!

Written by Cathy Goodwin

"Come see my new website!" readrepparttar proud email from a well-respected professional, eager to promote his first book and seminar series. His website was indeed beautiful -- exquisitely laid-out with customized graphics.

Alas,repparttar 129158 website was unfinished. A well-dressed website has:

(1) A title that tells what you do -- functional and keyword-friendly, not necessarily a high fashion item. A title of "home" screams that you're an amateur -- or you choserepparttar 129159 wrong web designer.

(2) Don't tell me what you wear under your designer suit -- but when I click "view source," I want to see meta-tags! You'd be amazed how many expensive websites go bare.

(3) Accessorize your site with 500-word articles or ezines. But choose carefully to complement your objective.

Making a BMX Writer out of you

Written by Kevin Doberstein

So you would like to write BMX articles. Maybe you want to write a scene report, a contest, a recent roadtrip, a product review or any other BMX related topics. Your ultimate goal is to be published in an e-zine or a BMX magazine. I listed some ideas below that may help you get started.

The first thing to do is make an outline ofrepparttar article you want to write. This will help you stay on track when you are writingrepparttar 129157 article. This will also keep you from rambling off and losing your reader. Below isrepparttar 129158 outline for this article that I prepared.

Title; Making a BMX Writer out of you.

 Introduction Create Outline Writing forrepparttar 129159 reading audience this article is intended. Length of article. Submitting pictures forrepparttar 129160 article. Proofingrepparttar 129161 article after it is written. What to do withrepparttar 129162 article after it is done.

When you are writing an article you must take into consideration whorepparttar 129163 intended readers will be. If you are writing for a general audience such as a newspaper article it doesn't make any sense to talk about doing tailwhips to manual or maybe a toothpick on a subbox. Instead you would sayrepparttar 129164 BMX rider is performing a bike trick onrepparttar 129165 ramp. If you are writing a scene report for a BMX rider reader you would not bore them to death sayingrepparttar 129166 rider was doing a BMX bike trick. Something better would be "he was out of control whipping out tailwhips to icepicks onrepparttar 129167 spine".

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