Exceptional Teachers

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Personal and Professional Development Coach

Miss Vashti was my first teacher. As soon as I turned six,repparttar summer before I started first grade, I was taken to her house for piano lessons. I felt like a very “big girl” indeed.

Miss Vashti, her white hair piled atop her head, openedrepparttar 123309 door of her Victorian mansion, and ushered me intorepparttar 123310 inner sanctum. She motioned to me to climb up onrepparttar 123311 piano bench and have a seat, and then reached out and ran her bony knuckle down my spine so I sat up straight and tall.

Every teacher I’ve had since then that made an impression on me provided those two things:repparttar 123312 inner sanctum andrepparttar 123313 finger downrepparttar 123314 spine. And they all gotrepparttar 123315 best out of me.

They were able to excite me about their subject matter because ofrepparttar 123316 way they created their environment and how they conducted themselves. To teach someone to learn to love learning isrepparttar 123317 highest calling. Nowrepparttar 123318 inner sanctum andrepparttar 123319 bony finger are both metaphoric. Neither actually occurred. Here’s what I mean by those terms.


The classrooms of those special teachers were different. We always settled downrepparttar 123320 minuterepparttar 123321 bell rang, opened our books and got to work. They approached their subject matter and us,repparttar 123322 students, with reverence.

When I entered Miss Vashti’s house, it was darkened and she spoke in hushed tones. She didn’t tap my turned up nose like everyone else, or talk to me like I was a little kid. She talked to merepparttar 123323 same way she talked to my grandmother. You bet I stood up straight and tall!

Everything was in its place, orderly, in a deep sense. It felt to me like it was a privilege to be there. The classrooms of teachers who impressed me were not just clean, but cared about. Their bulletin displays contained things about character and learning. Though I couldn’t have verbalized it, I was more interested in learning how to be, than in learning Geography. My first piano lesson was to place my finger on middle C (ohrepparttar 123324 mystery of it all!), and then to readrepparttar 123325 first page inrepparttar 123326 music book. It was about practicing. There was a picture of a little girl on a trail that ended with “success” and there were pictures ofrepparttar 123327 pitfalls all alongrepparttar 123328 route which were labeled, “the bog of despair,” and “the forest of sloth.” Lazy girls would never learn to playrepparttar 123329 piano! I did not want to be a lazy girl.

Each lesson began by playing scales, thenrepparttar 123330 piece I was learning with correction. Then I was to playrepparttar 123331 piece for Miss Vashti to “enjoy.” Have you any idea how that made me feel? Miss Vashti sat back with her eyes closed and her hands folded and I gave her pleasure. I felt honored.

The classrooms of exceptional teachers also had ritual, daily and weekly. It was easier to keep quiet in Mrs. Wingler’s class on Monday when we knew Tuesday was discussion day.


The teachers had high standards which they made clear and then modeled. “Turn around, sit up straight, put your feet onrepparttar 123332 floor, look straight ahead, no talking unless you’re called upon.” That’srepparttar 123333 finger downrepparttar 123334 spine. That’s how it’s done, as you know if you follow FlyLady ( http://www.flylady.com ) – put on your lace-up shoes and shine your kitchen sink.

Why does this work? Because if you put on your lace-up shoes, you have runrepparttar 123335 finger down your spine, and if you shine your kitchen sink, you have taken action. You’ve done one thing andrepparttar 123336 rest is then manageable. Cleaning a house is, after all, just shining one sink, and then shiningrepparttar 123337 next sink.

The Effect of Increasing Outside work

Written by David Maddern

The Effect of Increasing Outside work

If your man is pursuing a career path please take note of this. Because, although a breadwinner's intention is to support by bringing money intorepparttar home, he is nevertheless away from home for extended time and a distance may form betweenrepparttar 123308 partners.

This is especially true if all children are established in repparttar 123309 school system and a mother can step back mentally and review who she is. Oftenrepparttar 123310 "growing apart" concept creeps intorepparttar 123311 background then.

Many women begin to crave "quality time" with spouse and with children, yet work demands more and more, andrepparttar 123312 relationship suffers. This can not be suppressed and divorce is common at 12 years since marriage, withrepparttar 123313 last few years uncomfortable.

Interestingly a woman tends to internally define herself by modes of psychological nurture established in childhood.

Usually these are one or two of „h quality time „h gifts „h touch „h nice words „h reducing her task load

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