Evolution of matter

Written by Vadim Smolyanov and Valentina Smolyanova

© 2003 Vadim Smolyanov and Valentina Smolyanova

Translated from Russian. We shall be glad to receive your remarks on stylistics, grammar, and content.

Chapter I. Evolution of lifeless matter

We more likely fortunately than unfortunately are inrepparttar world where there is a time-space and a matter where a duality, variety and constant changes exist. But how to manage to describe World or its any phenomenon if you being in it? The most interesting phenomenon known to a science isrepparttar 110126 Great explosion, a birth ofrepparttar 110127 universe which was about 15-20 billion years ago. What had becomerepparttar 110128 reason of it? The condition ofrepparttar 110129 universe beforerepparttar 110130 birth cannot be transferred by words means. It is follows ofrepparttar 110131 known ancient texts concerning creation and essence of our world (the Bible, Vedic and Dao). This condition is described as containing All and Nothing simultaneously. Ancient texts force us to disconnect thinking logic and to trust in supersensual perception. But a problem, we have no supersensual perception. So we shall try to create model of development of a matter withrepparttar 110132 help ofrepparttar 110133 empirical data, existing theories and logic, but we shall take position of ancient doctrines asrepparttar 110134 entry condition: "All in Nothing, Nothing in All". Is lawful to conclude on it basis thatrepparttar 110135 explosion reason was occurrence ofrepparttar 110136 Unity (point). Occurrence ofrepparttar 110137 Unity createdrepparttar 110138 occurrence ofrepparttar 110139 Variety potential (infinity). Unity and Variety asrepparttar 110140 total difference has made explosion. The aspiration from Unity to Variety has automatically given birth to opposite aspiration from Variety to Unity. These two aspirations have created a matter, space-time, all processes andrepparttar 110141 phenomena around of us and inside us. Difference of Unity and Variety, a point and infinity has given birth to space-time. Internal aspiration of superelementary particles to Unity and an external pulse to Variety have forced its to space overcoming and to participating in irreversible processes of uniting and disconnecting , that has given birth to time-line (an one-orientation fromrepparttar 110142 past torepparttar 110143 future) and a matter. Afterrepparttar 110144 era of Great explosion which last very short time interval was finished an era of Great association was begun with duration no more than t=10 in degree -35s. During this period there was a first phase transition of a matter (phase transition is a change of a condition of a matter, for example, transformation of water into steam). Superelementary particles and superelementary antiparticles have appeared in this era. Here there was a global copying of Unity and Variety on internal elements of system as difference between of superelementary particles and superelementary antiparticles and occurrence of gravitation. There were first interactions and first particles focused on interactions (gluons). The following period is marked byrepparttar 110145 next phase transition of matter. It isrepparttar 110146 period of androns formation (protons, neutrons, electrons, etc.). Nuclear forces arerepparttar 110147 basic interaction at this stage which were allocated from gravitation and have found a duality, ability to draw or push away. There were first microsystems where interactions between a few quarks form large variety of elementary particles. It is a first level of complexity known to a science. The aspiration to association atrepparttar 110148 bottom level is appeared in variety atrepparttar 110149 top level. All evolution of a matter proceeded by this principle.

Can sustainable development work? What then will be the impact on business and what will be the impact on the environment?

Written by Ronald Munro

First we must define sustainable development. Sustainable is to say that something such as resources or an environmental system can be continued indefinitely without depleting any ofrepparttar material or energy resources required to keep it running.

Development isrepparttar 110125 act, process, or result of developing. Combined together it is an idea brought forward byrepparttar 110126 World Commission on Environment and Development defined by them as a form of development or progress that meetsrepparttar 110127 needs ofrepparttar 110128 present without compromisingrepparttar 110129 ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We must also understand that we arerepparttar 110130 stewards ofrepparttar 110131 natural environment andrepparttar 110132 entire planet, and as such we are responsible for what ever happens to any ofrepparttar 110133 ecological systems.

Can sustainable development work? This question is more complex than it seems. A simple yes or no answer does not apply to this question due to all ofrepparttar 110134 factors involved, which must be considered and evaluated. Onrepparttar 110135 one hand you would have to say no. The reasons you would have to say no are, because ofrepparttar 110136 opposition you would receive from changing human habits, which have been set for thousands of years. Structure and cost to big businesses and trying to control other countries and governments andrepparttar 110137 economical impacts such major changes could have on any societies economy. It would be impossible forrepparttar 110138 United States to order or police all ofrepparttar 110139 other nations and possibly unethical to force them into our ideas and ways of life. This approach has broughtrepparttar 110140 United States into many wars. Wars negatively impact many ecological systems by either invading them or totally destroying them. War also destroys and uses vast amounts of natural resources. Yetrepparttar 110141 United Nations, if given more power could possibly perform this task of policing and regulating without resulting in war if all ofrepparttar 110142 nations ofrepparttar 110143 world joinedrepparttar 110144 United Nations, but at what cost. Inrepparttar 110145 United States big business is able to influence our politicians. If big business felt this was economically unsound they could afford to spend billions of dollars to fight any legislation that would help this cause or tie up legislation, regulations or mandates in our court systems for years.

Then you have human nature, which resist change especially when it comes to giving up something that makes life easier or that isrepparttar 110146 economical source of their survival. If people survive or derive their income or livelihoods from these natural sources it will be almost impossible to get them to change their habits of destruction torepparttar 110147 natural environment.

Then you haverepparttar 110148 anti-environmental groups, which work hard to confuserepparttar 110149 issues or hiderepparttar 110150 facts with extra facts or manipulaterepparttar 110151 data withrepparttar 110152 help of big business and skeptical scientist they hire. All of these factors and more would be reason to say that sustainable development would not work.

The impact onrepparttar 110153 environment would be devastating and our world would eventually be unable to sustain any life and we would have to move or perish with it. When allrepparttar 110154 resource started disappearing businesses would run out of materials and be forced to eventually close forever.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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