Evaluating Job Offers -- Eleven Warning Signs You Must Watch Out For

Written by Ann Wilson

Moving into a new job always involves some degree of uncertainty. You should do your best to find out all you can about a prospective employer, starting right fromrepparttar pre-interview stage.

Here are some things to look out for. If one or more of these warning signs are present, you need to be doubly careful about joining that organization.

1. The company is inrepparttar 137652 midst of mergers and acquisitions, or there is a major reorganization taking place, staff cutbacks are onrepparttar 137653 anvil or some other major flux is occurring.

2. The company you are considering is not undergoing problems like those described above, but many other companies in that industry are. That could be an indication that trouble may spread to your prospective employer sooner or later.

3. The person who will be your boss has a bad reputation. This is something you should find out about from your network.

4. Your prospective boss has joinedrepparttar 137654 organization very recently and his or her reputation is generally not known.

5. You asked to meet with and speak to your new colleagues and this request was refused. What are they afraidrepparttar 137655 existing employees will say to a prospective new hire?

6. This is a non-profit organization that has had funding problems several times before. In such cases, think twice before taking up a position.

"The Power to Succeed."

Written by Neil Millar

It’s amazing how we fool ourselves... while atrepparttar same time believing we are doing what’s best.

Let me give you an example. I overheard a guy telling a group of friends, over drinks, how he had become fed-up with work. Guys being guys, they immediately started to come up with options to fixrepparttar 137614 problem – ideas like changing company and changing jobs. That was whenrepparttar 137615 guy got all logical…

‘Yeah, but I need to payrepparttar 137616 mortgage and my kid’s education and we’ve got a holiday planned forrepparttar 137617 Bahamas and…’

I interrupted. ‘How much do you need?’

‘A hundred grand a year,’ he replied.

‘What’s more important,’ I asked, ‘your happiness orrepparttar 137618 money?’

Of course he said happiness. Then he got all logical again. ‘But I can’t be happy unless I can payrepparttar 137619 mortgage and give my kidsrepparttar 137620 best and have great holidays.’

‘How many hours do you work?’

‘Around fifty.’

‘And how do you feel when you get home?’


‘What would your kids prefer, a father who is worn out for forty eight weeks ofrepparttar 137621 year but has four weeks to entertain them per year or a dad who is a real Dad all year round?’

The conversation went on, me questioning, him justifying what he perceived as logic.

Yet it’s not logic, is it? It’s not logic to deny your heart’s desire to change life when it’s hurting you. The mortgage,repparttar 137622 kid’s education,repparttar 137623 holidays are just stuff. And, like most people find after a heart attack or a divorce or an accident, is that this ‘stuff’ is not that important. What’s important is something else…

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