Etiquette for Baby Shower

Written by Randy Wilson

Etiquette for baby shower used to be quite rigid, but rules have relaxed inrepparttar past several years. Etiquette is a word that strikes fear inrepparttar 146870 heart of many party planners. You don’t want anyone to get upset or think that you are being rude. There are several rules of that you should be aware of. Whether or not you follow them is up to you.

It used to be that etiquette for baby shower said that mothers ofrepparttar 146871 new parents should not plan a baby shower. Some people may have viewed this as a gift grab byrepparttar 146872 family. Even sisters were not supposed to planrepparttar 146873 baby shower. However, in past years this rule has fallen byrepparttar 146874 wayside. If you are related to a new mom, go ahead and plan her baby shower to your heart’s content. The next etiquette for baby showers rule you need to consider is whom to invite. If you knowrepparttar 146875 new mom well, most ofrepparttar 146876 guest list will be obvious. However, you should show herrepparttar 146877 list to make sure that no one has been left out.

Ifrepparttar 146878 shower is a surprise, runrepparttar 146879 list by a few people that are close to her. This way they might notice some names missing that you may have forgotten.

Invitations don’t follow any sort of baby shower etiquette rules anymore. People still enjoy receiving baby shower invitations inrepparttar 146880 mail, but you can phone guests or email them as well. Just be sure inrepparttar 146881 case of email that guests actually check it regularly!

Etiquette for a baby shower says that you should not ask guests to bring anything. You should not even imply that they are to bring a gift. This is obvious, but no one likes to be directly asked to spend money. If you are asking people to pitch in for a large gift, this is considered acceptable.

Baby Shower Games

Written by Cathy Cripps


One ofrepparttar most fun aspects of a baby shower isrepparttar 146763 games. By playing games, you make strangers feel more comfortable while having a great time. To makerepparttar 146764 games a bit more competitive betweenrepparttar 146765 guests, have some type of small prize forrepparttar 146766 winner.

You will find quiet people that come out of their shells eager to win. The goal with each game is to getrepparttar 146767 guests laughing and interacting with one another. What you want to avoid with baby shower games are those that take too long to explain or games that are difficult to figure out.

You will probably feel nervous about putting games together since obviously, you want them to be well received and a huge success. To help reducerepparttar 146768 level of stress, we have chosen games that are perfect for all baby showers, whether 10 people or 50!


The games in this section are those that have been around for a while and continue to add fun to any baby shower.

Diaper Door

To getrepparttar 146769 baby shower started, this is an excellent first game. Prior torepparttar 146770 start ofrepparttar 146771 shower, you will need to cut small triangles out of white paper (copy paper, white napkins, or even white felt work perfectly). Onrepparttar 146772 inside of one “diaper”, place a small amount of Dijon mustard (to resemble a newborn baby’s poo).

These triangles will then be folded intorepparttar 146773 shape of a diaper by folding two ofrepparttar 146774 corners inward, allowing them to touch. Then, foldrepparttar 146775 last corner fromrepparttar 146776 bottom up overrepparttar 146777 two corners and pin them together with a very, small safety pin.

Once allrepparttar 146778 diapers are assembled, place them in a basket. As each guest arrives, he or she would take a diaper and without looking onrepparttar 146779 inside, pin it ontorepparttar 146780 clothing. These diapers will be worn throughoutrepparttar 146781 party. While some ofrepparttar 146782 guests may understandrepparttar 146783 game, others will have no idea. Your job is not to tell!

Oncerepparttar 146784 shower begins to wind down, have allrepparttar 146785 guests open their diaper. The person who hasrepparttar 146786 dirty diaper isrepparttar 146787 winner, receivingrepparttar 146788 main door prize! Excellent options would include dinner for two at a nice restaurant, a full-spa treatment, or a movie package (two tickets, two popcorns, and two drinks).

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