Ethics - Benefit & Reward

Written by Scott 'Gears'

Ethics - in a profession or trade - is that branch of philosophy which studiesrepparttar principles of right and wrong in human conduct.

Is your business ethical?

What I mean is "Does your business dorepparttar 106027 right thing when faced with that decision?" It's a simple question, which many businesses struggle with. I just don't understandrepparttar 106028 struggle part?

I have worked for companies that believed they were ethical, and really have no clue. Meaningrepparttar 106029 decisions they make everyday towards their customers and employees does not advocate ethics. So, what is it? When someone in business gives you their word and then reneges, that is unethical. Your word is your promise. Even if it is your business makingrepparttar 106030 statement. Doing good business and being a good employer is more than your product or people, it isrepparttar 106031 guidelines in which you do that good business. I'm disappointed in how many unethical businesses exist today. I have worked for some of them and they just don't get it... they 'talk tough' but whenrepparttar 106032 decisions are made I can't fathom what motivated them come to their decision? It was not necessarily 'doingrepparttar 106033 right thing'.

Yes, I know profits are pinnacle to most, but that IS NOTrepparttar 106034 bottom line! The bottom line is how your customer, partner, client or prospect walked away from their experience. What's so hard to get? It also helps you feel good about yourself and your business, and you should sleep better too!

Treat themrepparttar 106035 way you want to be treated... I mean it!

Don't say something you have no intention of backing up with your action. Keep your word in business, in compensation promises, in client promises, in doing good business. This is pinnacle!

I don't want to ramble here, but some businesses need a wake-up-call (yesterday). What puzzles me is why? When you do good business, you get more good business. I'm not just talking aboutrepparttar 106036 Enron's or Arthur Anderson's ofrepparttar 106037 World, I'm talking about every type of business out there, in every industry.

Do You Fear Your Own Success?

Written by Dan B. Cauthron

Noted author and self-worth teacher Eric Butterworth* says, 'Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things.' When you couple his philosophy withrepparttar Eastern mysticism of 'what you believe will become your reality' - it becomes clear that obstacles to financial and personal success are largely self-created.

We once knew a man who, though hugely successful in business, and hugely contented on a personal level, claimed to be blessed with ignorance. He was ignorant of what he could not accomplish - therefore he accomplished much during his lifetime. This man's potential was not stifled byrepparttar 106026 abbreviated and misfigured word 'can't.' It simply did not figure into his thinking.

That's not to say this man did not experience failure. He had no magical Midas touch - his personal life, while appearing to be immensely satisfying for him, includedrepparttar 106027 same trials and tragedies experienced by any other human being. Yet he seemed to regard failure as an educational asset, and adversity as an opportunity for progress.

While this man did not fear failure, he ultimately did not fear success.

To succeed means to be a winner - to be at or at least near repparttar 106028 top ofrepparttar 106029 heap. But along with winning comes a profound responsibility. A football team that takesrepparttar 106030 championship is suddenly saddled with a near crushing responsibility to carry on that level of play. A person who is successful in business is expected to continue being successful. Success carries with it an inherent burden.

Do you fearrepparttar 106031 burden of success?

Success is only achieved through progress, and progress is only achieved through risk. A mushroom never takes a risk. It hides underground until conditions are perfect, and then emerges for only a short while. It never transmutes - never changing - remaining forever a mushroom.

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