Essence of Team Work

Written by Lieutenany Colonel Anil Kumar Nigam

Essence of Teamwork Essence of Team work What is Teamwork?

Larger, ambitious goals requiring unique tailor made approaches usually require that people work together with other people in a team and not as individual.

Companies today want people who are team player, people who are able to get along with their colleagues and work together in a cohesive group to achieverepparttar organizational targets sacrificing their own personal interests at times. Such people are hard to find.

Prerequisites for Teamwork

1. Common and well-defined Goal

2. A team Leader (not a boss)

Causes of failures

Examination quickly reveals that under-performance derives, not from ineffective policies or individual incompetence, but fromrepparttar 141148 interactions amongrepparttar 141149 staff, i.e. process rather than performance. This factor, often referred to as group dynamics, needs to be understood and utilized if an organization is to achieve its full potential for effectiveness.

Skills Needed For Teamwork 1.Listening

It is important to listen to other people's ideas. When people are allow to freely express their ideas, these initial ideas will produce other ideas. Ideally you should follow 80/20 rule.

2. Questioning

It is important to ask questions, interact, and discussrepparttar 141150 objectives ofrepparttar 141151 team and alsorepparttar 141152 plan for execution.

3. Persuading

Individuals are encouraged to exchange, defend, and then to ultimately rethink their ideas and come to mutually agreed solution if possible. 4. Helping

Does MBWA (Management By Wandering Around) Still Work?

Written by Harry K. Jones

Tom Peters, alumnus ofrepparttar management consulting firm of McKinsey & Company and one of today's best known and highest paid management gurus, first came to prominence in 1982 as he "knocked our socks off" with his eye-opening best-seller In Search of Excellence. This thought-provoking classic provided us with many valuable lessons from America's Best-Run Companies. Today, 20 years and ten best sellers later, Peters is still onrepparttar 141067 cutting edge ofrepparttar 141068 on-going business revolution that never seems to end.

In his first book, Peters introduced us torepparttar 141069 key concept of MBWA (Management By Wandering Around). After a brief definition of this powerful strategy, he shared a number of MBWA examples from such notable organizations as Hewlett-Packard, GE, PepsiCo, LucasFilm, Corning Glass, 3M, Disney and Wal-Mart. This unique approach obviously worked well for these and other companies inrepparttar 141070 early 80's. However, has it stoodrepparttar 141071 test of time?

Tom Peters believes it has … as does a great number of leaders and organizations who continuerepparttar 141072 pursuit of excellence in today's competitive marketplace.

MBWA does not mean leaving your responsibilities behind as you stroll throughrepparttar 141073 nearest shopping mall. Even wandering through your organization can do more harm than good if it isn't executed properly.

Here are a few tips to assist you in that same pursuit as you Manage By Wandering Around.

* Appear relaxed as you make your rounds. Employees will reflect your feelings and actions.

* Remain open and responsive to questions and concerns.

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