Epidemic Uncontrollable

Written by Dony Peter

Today, as I write this, I am actually being a contradiction. In being myself, in doing what I do and mainly writing what I write. I was asking myself, as to, what wasrepparttar greatest plague that strikes humanity inrepparttar 122913 21st century and I found that its not AIDS nor any other Virus infected disease.

It is rather a human virus. Yes a disease,repparttar 122914 root of which are humans. In a world characterized by breakthrough innovations, advancements atrepparttar 122915 speed of thought, we are slow in combatting this disease. Andrepparttar 122916 truth is, it is crippling us,repparttar 122917 Human Race. What I am talking about, trying to describe, is infactrepparttar 122918 greatest disease ever discovered, that which Mother Teresa of Calcutta, so rightly put, "Indifference".

In a world where one is always challenged to outperform others to exist, one can but wonder whether indifference is really inevitable? One has to look after oneself, and in that process, one might be a little bit indifferent to others.

But how much is little? We squirm & squirt when we see graphic images of atrocities inrepparttar 122919 media, andrepparttar 122920 next moment we are looking for 'more news'. We are slowly becoming immune torepparttar 122921 pain of others, and people are increasingly becoming just statistics. So what if 30 people are blown up in Iraq, there's supposed to be a war there, right? And aboutrepparttar 122922 thousands dying of starvation in Africa, well that'srepparttar 122923 UN's problem. Too much Bureaucracy.

I recently watched a movie 'Beyond Borders', a very realistic portrayal of relief workers aroundrepparttar 122924 world. Asrepparttar 122925 movie progressed, I went through a gamut of emotions, from pain to sadness to grief to anger. And I was incensed 'cause nobody was doing anything. The sad fact however is, all those feelings lasted for 48 hours only. Two days and I had gotten overrepparttar 122926 movie. Life was back to normal. Coming back to what i started out with, I am contradicting myself....Big Time.

Finding Success in Failure

Written by Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.

Finding Success in Failure

This title sounds contradictory and phony. It is a contrarian kind of word, but it is not phony!

No matter how hard we try in work or in business to keep from making mistakes or failing at something, we will have failures.

Isn't it better to look at a business/work failure inrepparttar terms of moving towards eventual success, rather than flail around with oneself because success is not instan- taneous?

How we look at failure is puzzling. We know that a failure is an event that will not last for- ever, but somehow we have a perfectionistic attitude that it is permanent. How to get around this "I won't fail attitude"?

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