Ephedra - Is It Safe And Effective?

Written by Nick Nilsson

Burn fat while you sleep! Eat whatever you want and still lose weight! Don’t suffer through hours of grueling exercise to burn fat! You’ve probably heard all these phrases before but arerepparttar fat burners containing ephedra that these claims are attached to really that effective and are they safe?

The primary ingredient in fat burners isrepparttar 115739 herb ephedra, also known as ma huang, or it’s manufactured version ephedrine. It has been used in Chinese herbal medicine quite safely and effectively for thousands of years. It is often combined with synthetic or herbal versions of caffeine (e.g. guarana, yerba mate or kola nut) and aspirin (e.g. white willow bark).

But does it burn fat?

The answer to that question is yes. Ephedra does effectively helprepparttar 115740 body to preferentially burn fat for energy. But, according to medical studies, there can be side effects, some of which are quite serious.

Ephedra works to burn fat through several means.

-Its chemical makeup increasesrepparttar 115741 breakdown of fatty tissue for fuel. -Its stimulatory properties help to increase resting metabolism. This process is known as thermogenesis, which is essentially excess heat production. You body burns more calories simply by producing more body heat. -When ephedra is combined with caffeine and aspirin, it may have appetite suppressant effects. -The nervous system stimulation you get can help you maintain your energy levels, which can aid you in your exercise program.

When used according to instructions and in moderate doses, studies suggest that fat-burning formulas containing ephedra, caffeine and aspirin can be safely and effectively used to SUPPLEMENT a good fat-burning program.

Do Electric Ab Stimulators Really Work?

Written by Nick Nilsson

Electronic muscle stimulators arerepparttar latest craze,repparttar 115738 hottest fad... but you want to know "do they really work!" Right? To answer that question, let’s start with a little background information on what this equipment was originally designed for.

Electric ab stimulators were (and still are) used in medical rehab situations. They are designed to keep muscles from atrophying (wasting away) in situations where a limb must be immobilized. For example, if you broke your leg,repparttar 115739 doctor could place an electrode onrepparttar 115740 muscle and use electricity to make it contract. This would provide a minimum level of stimulation, thus keepingrepparttar 115741 muscle active.

As far as building muscle, such asrepparttar 115742 ads on TV claim, this is not backed up by research. The level of electrical stimulation necessary to build uprepparttar 115743 abdominal muscles to what you see on TV would be extremely high, and thus very painful.

Many companies that sell these belts also claim thatrepparttar 115744 belts help burn fat. In reality,repparttar 115745 small muscle contractions produced by these belts burn about as many calories asrepparttar 115746 effort required to takerepparttar 115747 belt out ofrepparttar 115748 box and putrepparttar 115749 batteries in.

If you readrepparttar 115750 fine print in these ads, you will also notice thatrepparttar 115751 instructions for use also include a suggested exercise and nutrition plan. This, without a doubt, would berepparttar 115752 true source ofrepparttar 115753 results people get from this equipment.

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