Enroll in Car College

Written by Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, PhD

One ofrepparttar most overlooked opportunities for learning and personal growth isrepparttar 137082 time we spend in our cars. There really isn't much we can do safely in our car but drive. I know I see people doing all kinds of things such as curling their hair, putting their makeup on and talking onrepparttar 137083 telephone. All of those things are distracting. There is something we can do in our cars to make any commute worthrepparttar 137084 time. That is what I call Car College - otherwise known as listening to some form of audio.

I was chatting with my friend Kathryn. She shared how she had begun listening to a set of tapes and was amazed at how many tapes she has listened to in one week's time. In a week, she had listened to half of a set of tapes she thought was going to take a month to get through. She calls her education Auto University. I also have renewed my interest in listening to tapes inrepparttar 137085 car and have been amazed at how much I learn in a relatively short amount of time. The wonderful part about learning while commuting is it is so effortless and doesn't distract me from my primary responsibility, that of driving.

There Are Always More Nos Than Yeses

Written by Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, PhD

Although it may not seem true, if we think about it, we will come to realize that there are always more nos than yeses. We will be turned down more often than not. The good news is thatrepparttar more nos we getrepparttar 137081 morerepparttar 137082 yeses will increase. It is a numbers game. The more often we askrepparttar 137083 more our chances of success increase.

If, just for fun, we took a jar and put a penny in it for every no we received and took out a penny for every yes, we would never emptyrepparttar 137084 jar. The nos will far exceedrepparttar 137085 yeses. There is of course one way to limitrepparttar 137086 number of nos one receives, and that is to never ask. No comes from putting ourselves out there, being brave and taking risks. The good news is that being brave and taking risks usually doesn't call for any extra human capabilities. It could be as simple as asking someone out on a date or applying for a new job. A simple yes is easy, but most likely not. It is never easy to stretch our comfort zone and takerepparttar 137087 risk of being rejected. Thankfully, no one dies from rejection, and no simply means next opportunity.

In an interview with actress Christina Applegate, she shares how being a teen star actually made it more difficult to break into adult acting. After ten years starring as Kelly Bundee onrepparttar 137088 television sitcom "Married with Children," Applegate found it difficult to land adult acting parts. "You give everything you have and it's “No!. You hear no so many more times than yes.". Fortunately, Applegate did not give up, and ten years after her teen success, she has created a successful adult acting career. For Applegate, as withrepparttar 137089 rest of us, no doesn't mean stop, it means keep going. No is just one more hurdle closer to yes.

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