Energize Your Life

Written by Louise Morganti Kaelin

Did you know that it takes energy to NOT do something or to NOT deal with a situation? Every time we put off some task or chore, we start using energy to remember to do it. We also use energy to avoid doing it. Once you start thinking about how many things you are putting up with, it's easy to realize that there is an incredible amount of energy that could be available to you just by addressing these time-drainers. These items are often referred to as tolerations. Here is a simple strategy for zapping your tolerations and freeing up all that energy.

1. On a clean piece of paper, make a list of all things you are tolerating or 'putting up with'.

These can (and should) be from all areas of your life. They can be big or small. But all of them are probably things that keep running around in your head as 'I really need to …, I can't stand xxx anymore, etc.' Some examples: I really need to: callrepparttar electrician, fixrepparttar 130584 broken light switch, clean off my desk, takerepparttar 130585 car for a tune-up, finish a report or project, organize my office, unpack, buy shampoo, talk to my boss, I can't stand my son's messy bedroom,repparttar 130586 way my neighbor lets stuff pile up in his front yard. You getrepparttar 130587 idea. Keep writing until you run out of things to write.

Battles of the Mind

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Some thoughts on high blood pressure: cause and cure.

If God is truly God and in control of all things, thenrepparttar battles we face, whatever they be, are really only inrepparttar 130582 mind.

Satan is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. The only power Satan has is to roar, except we give him power over our minds.

Whatever we hope to accomplish by carrying weights and burdens is futile. These are yokes God never intended us to carry. The battle belongs torepparttar 130583 Lord. In some instances, we have to let go of it before He is free to take over.

But, whateverrepparttar 130584 case may or may not be, there are times our minds become so worn that Satan seems stronger than we are. In times like these, our vision isn't clear. Satan is never stronger than God is and we are His heirs.

Sometimes, remembering truths we have already attained is helpful in calling Satan a liar. My favorite remedy, that works even when I have no strength of my own, is to block out Satan's lies and go to God in worship.

Once, I was so far gone that I didn't knowrepparttar 130585 problem and couldn't think of a Bible verse. My brain was about fried. I was so low, had no idea why, and couldn't seem to pull myself out of it.

I made up this horrible song with whatever words came next. It started like this ... "Satan is a liar. His pants are on fire. The cow jumped overrepparttar 130586 moon." (Pretty lame, huh?)

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