Enemas for Pleasure Pain or Vitality?

Written by Gerard Bulger

It's one ofrepparttar 'in things', Movie Stars, Sportsmen even Politicians are talking about having an Enema, but what is it, is it healthy, is it pleasurable? One point I must make, this is not a 'how to' guide, before undertaking any such procedure I would advise you consult your local medical adviser first.

Basically it isrepparttar 113843 cleansing ofrepparttar 113844 colon and large intestine, it involvesrepparttar 113845 injection of a solution intorepparttar 113846 rectum to softenrepparttar 113847 feces, distendrepparttar 113848 colon and rectum, and thereby causerepparttar 113849 easy emptying ofrepparttar 113850 bowel. Although its allrepparttar 113851 fashion atrepparttar 113852 moment, its actually one ofrepparttar 113853 oldest medical procedures and has been practiced by most cultures throughout history. In fact its only withinrepparttar 113854 last fifty years thatrepparttar 113855 regular practice of Enema's has decreased, this mainly byrepparttar 113856 onslaught of chemical enema's and laxatives fromrepparttar 113857 pharmaceutical industry. Everyone fromrepparttar 113858 Greek's and Egyptians torepparttar 113859 Kings of France have extolledrepparttar 113860 virtues and health benefits of Enema's. The use of enema's today can be broadly split into two areas, one for medical and health reasons,repparttar 113861 other for pleasure and erotic practices.

Let's deal withrepparttar 113862 traditional health benefits first, and have a quick look at your colon. Its main function together with your lungs, skin and kidneys isrepparttar 113863 elimination of toxins inrepparttar 113864 intestines, blood and lymph systems. Among its most important functions arerepparttar 113865 colon arerepparttar 113866 absorption of water and minerals, andrepparttar 113867 formation and elimination of feces, so if your colon is blocked it cuts down or stops these functions. A recent survey inrepparttar 113868 United States showed after surgery whererepparttar 113869 colon was examined, there was on average over a pound of undigested or impacted meat inrepparttar 113870 colon. Meat that was unable to move and consequently it rotted and released poisons intorepparttar 113871 blood stream. Not a good idea so by use of diet or other procedures keepingrepparttar 113872 colon clean helps maintain a healthy body.

Your Skin - are you creating an asset or a liability?

Written by Danny Siegenthaler

Your skin can be one of your greatest assets or become an expensive liability. It’s all inrepparttar way you treat it.

We hear a lot these days about skin care, skin care forrepparttar 113842 Metrosexual-man, anti-aging skin care, anti-wrinkle cremes, and so on. But what is skin care really?

Skincare consists of Skin and Care – obvious really, but let’s look at exactly what that term means. Anything that is taken good care of will look, last and function better for longer, and retain its value.

Maybe we should think about skin care in terms of ‘Skin maintenance’, because there are several factors, which constitute good skin care. Consider that your skin is involved in both absorption as well as elimination of chemicals; does it not stand to reason thatrepparttar 113843 healthier your skin is,repparttar 113844 better it will be able to fulfil these functions?

Most people think of skin care as keeping your skin clean and if it gets dry, use a moisturiser and that’s that. Well, it’s a start, but far from constituting skin care or maintenance of skin function

Information on exfoliation, cleansing, toning and moisturising is readily available ( Article ), and both men and women of all ages should follow these basic skin care concepts. However, as we become older,repparttar 113845 type of maintenance needs to change andrepparttar 113846 skin care regime that is relevant in your 20’s is different as we move through our 30’s, 40’s and beyond.

Your skin is a valuable asset. Treat it well, and you will reaprepparttar 113847 rewards, treat it badly and it could ultimately kill you!

Skin cancer is a growing concern inrepparttar 113848 health industry. Asrepparttar 113849 Ozone layer is under ever increasing pressure and indeed thinning over some parts ofrepparttar 113850 World, UV radiation is reachingrepparttar 113851 Earth’s surface in greater concentration and this is not only having a detrimental effect on our climate and ecosystems, but also affects each and every one of us directly.

UV rays have been shown to cause skin cancer. Getting sunburn is now accepted as a leading cause for skin cancer and guarding against it is not quite as simple as staying out ofrepparttar 113852 sun.

Maintaining a good skin care regime is now more important than ever, and consists of several important parts: 1. Eating a well balanced, healthy diet which consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, grains and if you choose good quality meat, is paramount to supplying your skin withrepparttar 113853 nutrition it needs to function at its optimal level. 2. Water – you cannot under estimaterepparttar 113854 body’s need for being well hydrated. Medial research shows that your body requires at least 2-3 litres of water per day to maintain its functions.

Dehydration is not as obvious as one might think and can be chronic with few or no symptoms. If you are physically active, you will need to drink even more that 3 litres per day. 3. Exercise – Now you do not have to be a ‘Gym-Junky’, but being unfit will have consequences that you will ultimately not appreciate; go for a walk 3-4 times a week; userepparttar 113855 stairs notrepparttar 113856 elevator; parkrepparttar 113857 car further away fromrepparttar 113858 office orrepparttar 113859 shops; join a walking club; ride a bike; play tennis, golf or another sport that gets your body moving – you don’t have to be an Olympic champion you know, but get moving and have fun.

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