End Yeast Now!

Written by Danielle Papageorgiou

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The itching,repparttar 114838 burning...aghhhh! It's enough to testrepparttar 114839 limits of sanity for any woman. And while yeast infections are thought to be mainly a problem among women, did you know that men can also get them? This is especially true for a man whose wife is suffering from one, since having sex will passrepparttar 114840 infection back and forth. For a woman, however,repparttar 114841 problem is a little trickier, since yeast thrives in a dark, moist environment. Simply put,repparttar 114842 vagina is yeast's dream home!

Many women (and men) suffering from yeast infections resort torepparttar 114843 remedies found in a drug store: creams, suppositories, and other "medical" remedies. The problem with these is that they tend to help for only a short period of time and thenrepparttar 114844 yeast comes back with a vengeance. In my experience, there are other, more effective ways to combat this evil menace. In this article, I will highlight some remedies that have worked for me, as a woman. Most, if not all, of these can be adapted for a man, as well.

Here are some home remedies that have worked for me:

Plain yogurt

The good bacteria in plain yogurt helps fight yeast and yogurt can be used both internally and externally. BUT, be sure you buy plain, unsweetened yogurt. Since sugar feeds yeast, this is a crucial point. You can also make your own, using a yogurt starter. I have done this myself and it is simple andrepparttar 114845 results are quite good. The advantage is that you can use other types of milk, such as soy or almond. While I made mine directly onrepparttar 114846 stovetop, you can also purchase a yogurt maker, if you want to takerepparttar 114847 thinking out ofrepparttar 114848 process. Whether purchased or homemade, yogurt is a great thing to eat before meals because it provides "good bacteria" for your stomach to aid in digestion.

For a topical treatment, you can also dip a tampon in plain yogurt and insert it into your vagina or simply rub some onrepparttar 114849 outside. I have found, however, that leaving it on for a prolonged period tends to haverepparttar 114850 opposite effect. It seems that once it has done its job, it is best to wipe it off or you will feel itchier due torepparttar 114851 moisture.


Garlic is a big enemy of yeast! This is one ofrepparttar 114852 most effective home remedies I have found for instant relief. Inserting one garlic tab (such as Shaklee's Garlic Tabs) or a garlic clove intorepparttar 114853 vagina every few hours or as needed provides soothing relief. If you use garlic tabs, be surerepparttar 114854 ingredients are natural and pure. I highly recommendrepparttar 114855 Shaklee garlic tabs. They are what I have always used with great results.

Of course, garlic can be taken internally, as well. Again,repparttar 114856 Shaklee garlic tabs work great. I have also used Kyolic garlic tabs and liquid inrepparttar 114857 past with good results. Or, if you don't mindrepparttar 114858 smell, you can press a whole garlic clove and drink it down quickly with water. I have found this to be very effective. Do it as often as necessary. Garlic is one of nature's amazing "drugs" that has a number of other health benefits, including lowering blood pressure and reducing bad cholesterol. It is a natural antibiotic. In fact, my Greek father-in-law eats raw garlic everyday and, in his mid-sixties, is very rarely sick.

Apple-cider vinegar (withrepparttar 114859 mother)

Apple-cider vinegar has many health benefits (including aiding in weight loss) and can be used both internally and externally, as well. However, it is very strong, so it is not recommended that you apply it directly onrepparttar 114860 skin. It will killrepparttar 114861 yeast, but it will burn like nothing you've ever felt! The best external application is to add about a cup of it into your bathwater and take a nice hot bath. This will feel very relaxing and soothing and will help temporarily. I don't find it as effective long-term, however, asrepparttar 114862 garlic suppositories. They provide full-day relief.

The type of vinegar I recommend is Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, withrepparttar 114863 Mother. It is important that it haverepparttar 114864 mother, as this is more natural and less processed. Never use plain, white vinegar! This actually feedsrepparttar 114865 yeast instead of killing it.


In my opinion, this is one ofrepparttar 114866 world's most powerful, secret remedies for any illness! I strongly believe that if we all drankrepparttar 114867 amount of water our bodies need, we would see a great reduction in all types of sicknesses.

Natural Ways to Treat Stretch Marks

Written by Lori Stryker

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman’s life. One aspect of child-bearing , however, may not be so welcomed. For 75-90% of pregnant women, stretch marks, or striae gravidum, can appear inrepparttar later half of pregnancy. Stretch marks do not pose any health risk to eitherrepparttar 114837 mother or child, but can cause anxiety over their appearance for those who develop them. Stretch marks first appear as raised striations which vary in colour from pink, purple or brown, depending onrepparttar 114838 mother’s normal skin colour. Striations develop where fat is stored inrepparttar 114839 body, such asrepparttar 114840 abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, breasts and arms.

Stretch marks develop during pregnancy because of rapid and excessive weight gain in areas such asrepparttar 114841 lower abdomen or thighs. As weight increases,repparttar 114842 collagen and elastin inrepparttar 114843 dermal layer ofrepparttar 114844 skin, responsible for retaining shape and firmness, is stretched torepparttar 114845 point of breaking. The dermis isrepparttar 114846 layer beneathrepparttar 114847 epidermis, or visible layer ofrepparttar 114848 skin. The elastic fibres inrepparttar 114849 dermis weaken with stretching and increased cortisone levels normally produced inrepparttar 114850 last trimester. As these fibres separate andrepparttar 114851 skin stretches, collagen is overproduced to form scar tissue which result in striations.

There is no cure for stretch marks. The scarring process that has occurred inrepparttar 114852 dermis cannot be reversed, but stretch marks will flatten, fade and lighten over time. Creams which contain steroids such as hydrocortisone, or active agents like tretinoin (retin-A) should not be used during pregnancy, and especially not duringrepparttar 114853 first trimester whenrepparttar 114854 fetus is highly vulnerable. Plastic surgery methods are available to reducerepparttar 114855 appearance of stretch marks, such as dermabrasion or laser, but treatments are expensive and results vary.

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