Encouraging Contact

Written by Martin Day

The small time promoter has to work hard and on a shoestring to get an audience of a few hundred people to fill a venue. Flyers, word-of-mouth and media name checks are some ofrepparttar tools promoters use to fill small venues or club nights. Building a loyal following from grassroots is no easy task. Consideringrepparttar 139613 amount of effort that can be required to fill evenrepparttar 139614 smallest of venues it is surprising that very few promoters capitalise on their efforts and userepparttar 139615 actual event to maximiserepparttar 139616 opportunity to encourage further audience contact.

With a little thought and small outlay online surveys can be used to providerepparttar 139617 promoter with valuable feedback andrepparttar 139618 opportunity to engage in further contact withrepparttar 139619 audience. Using an online survey website such as http://www.surveygalaxy.com a promoter can now quickly and easily create an online survey.

With an online survey a promoter can find out exactly:-

•who attended; •what persuaded them; •what they thought ofrepparttar 139620 event; •would they expect to attend again; •would they recommend future events to their friends.

A good way to ensure a good response is to have a supply of business sized cards that are marked clearly with a slogan like "Feedback", "Your opinion counts", "Tell us what you thought". Each card would have a web address pointing either directly torepparttar 139621 survey or to a website where a link torepparttar 139622 survey can be placed. The cards can be issued atrepparttar 139623 door withrepparttar 139624 tickets, or handed out amongrepparttar 139625 audience and beingrepparttar 139626 size of business cards they are small enough to be stuck in a pocket, purse or wallet. It may not even be necessary but a small incentive wouldn't harmrepparttar 139627 response rate perhapsrepparttar 139628 chance to win a free guest pass for a future event, a signed CD or T shirt.

Relevancy - the new black for online marketing?

Written by Martin Day

Information Overload

With information overload rapidly killing traditional forms of online advertising - todayrepparttar key to effective marketing is relevancy.

Smaller businesses with a niche or limited product range are more often than not focused by default but forrepparttar 139612 larger company with a diverse product rangerepparttar 139613 'all things to all men' approach to advertising is becoming less and less effective.

Monthly newsletters may have worked inrepparttar 139614 past but withrepparttar 139615 online marketing juggernaut churning out newsletters after newsletter along with countless other marketing materialrepparttar 139616 newsletter is loosing its punch.

With over zealous spam filters andrepparttar 139617 sheer weight of marketing material it is not enough that a newsletter is well written and well presented it has to be wanted, and to be wanted it has to be relevant.

How confident can a newsletter editor be that if a subscriber did not receive their regular copy thatrepparttar 139618 subscriber would look to see why; how confident can anyone be thatrepparttar 139619 subscriber would even notice?

Forrepparttar 139620 larger supplier who has a diverse product rangerepparttar 139621 websites and newsletter has to become 'intelligent' and move away fromrepparttar 139622 'these arerepparttar 139623 answers to everyone's problems' and developrepparttar 139624 individually customised websites and newsletters that says 'these arerepparttar 139625 answers to your specific needs'.

Adding intelligence

To achieve high relevancy companies need to be able to accurately profile their customers and likely to be atrepparttar 139626 heart of a high relevancy marketing initiative will be a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) database.

Along with demographic and personal information such as location, age and gender a good CRM database will also storerepparttar 139627 customer's lifestyle preferences and build up an individual picture of each customer's likes and dislikes.

Amazon is one such company that has ledrepparttar 139628 way with website relevancy and with their 'one stop' shopping philosophy and vast range of stock it is easy to see why it makes sense for them to highlight to each individual consumer what products may be of greatest interest.

Amazon do this by greeting their returning registered users by name and offering recommendations based on previous purchases and profile information that can be further fine tuned by each customer.

A company that builds an effective CRM database with accurate and current information is in a position to develop both on and off line precision marketing.

With good CRM information newsletters can be delivered withrepparttar 139629 most relevant story first, a simple step that could makerepparttar 139630 difference between a potential consumer dismissing, or reading, what has been sent.

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