En-JOY Your Life!

Written by Louise Morganti Kaelin

Have you ever noticed that your state of mind, whether you're happy, sad, angry, fearful, feeling any emotion at all, is directly related to what you're thinking? True, there may be an external situation that's causing you to have those thoughts, but it's your thoughts that dictate how you are feeling, notrepparttar situation.

I'm sure you can think of a time when you heard a piece of news that would normally have caused a negative emotion, but you were in such a good mood that it didn't throw you off balance. You were able to look atrepparttar 130593 situation in perspective (the place you usually get to anyway) because you were feeling, and 'thinking', good. In fact, you've used this knowledge. How many times have you pickedrepparttar 130594 'right' time to tell someone bad news, knowing that bad news isn't so bad if you're in a good mood?

And when your thoughts are positive, when you're happy, aren't you at your best? Don't you find that you're more productive and creative? Don't you find every aspect of life to be exciting and you look forward to what else it has to offer? I suspect these arerepparttar 130595 days you enjoy most.

These are two facts that we all know. But most of us have stopped there and haven't maderepparttar 130596 connection betweenrepparttar 130597 two. What if we took it torepparttar 130598 next logical step, which is to control our thoughts, so that we're always (or almost always) in a positive place? Instead of just observing what you're thinking andrepparttar 130599 effect it has on you, if you don't like what you're thinking, consciously choose to change your thoughts to something that makes you happy. This isrepparttar 130600 secret to en-joying your life, to put -- and keep -- joy in your life: constantly monitor your thoughts and when a thought isn't bringing you joy, change it to a thought that does or start enjoyingrepparttar 130601 thought you're having.

As you go through your day, ask yourself 'Am I enjoying this thought?'. If yes, wonderful! Keep it up. But if you can't answer that question with a loud, resounding, and immediate 'Yes', then it's time to work on your thoughts. You have two options. First, you can choose to changerepparttar 130602 thought and just start thinking of something that does bring you joy. I find this works best if you have some 'joy-ful' thoughts ready, particularly ifrepparttar 130603 negative thoughts you are having are recurring ones. Write down 5 negative thoughts you keep having. Cross each one out and write down your 'replacement' thought. For example, if your negative thought was 'I can't help myself', your replacement thought could be 'I can help myself' or 'I loverepparttar 130604 roses in my garden'. It doesn't need to be connected, it just needs to replacerepparttar 130605 old thought and be a thought you enjoy having! Being prepared with a new thought allows you to save valuable and critical time in changing your mood. Every second you have a negative thought,repparttar 130606 more entrenched it gets.

An Unexpected Letter

Written by LeAnn R. Ralph

It was a couple of weeks after Christmas, and I was standing by my mailbox inrepparttar vestibule ofrepparttar 130591 apartment building where I lived in Lexington, Kentucky, holding a letter I had just received. The handwriting was not familiar and neither wasrepparttar 130592 return address, although it was postmarked Seattle, Washington,repparttar 130593 same place where Hannah Paulson used to live.

Many years ago when I was a little girl growing up on our dairy farm in west central Wisconsin,repparttar 130594 Paulsons had lived next door to us. The two farms wererepparttar 130595 only residences located on our mile-long stretch of isolated country road, and duringrepparttar 130596 summer, I journeyed downrepparttar 130597 hill a couple of times a week to visit Hannah. With her hair arranged in waves swept back from her forehead and kindly blue eyes twinkling from behind wire-rimmed spectacles, she wore cotton shirtwaist dresses inrepparttar 130598 summer and a blue-and-white or pink-and-white checkered apron.

Going to see Hannah wasrepparttar 130599 highlight of my summer vacations. There was just something about Mrs. Paulson that drew me to her likerepparttar 130600 bees that were drawn torepparttar 130601 wild roses growing around her big, old-fashioned farmhouse. I never considered that it might be rather unusual for me to enjoy visiting our elderly neighbor, even though there were no other neighbors with children for me to play with, and no other children in my family (my brother is twenty-one years older than me and my sister is nineteen years older).

Duringrepparttar 130602 summer, Hannah and I would cut and arrange flowers because Mrs. Paulson loved to have flowers in her house. At other times I would find her working on a project, like cleaning outrepparttar 130603 old chicken coop, or paintingrepparttar 130604 barn, or weeding her garden. No matter what Hannah was doing, she always let me “help.”

On days when it was too hot to be outside, we sat in Mrs. Paulson's kitchen and ate homemade oatmeal cookies. Hannah would ask me aboutrepparttar 130605 books I was reading (I loved to read), and she would tell me aboutrepparttar 130606 books she had liked to read when she was a little girl.

Hannah and her husband, Bill, had lived in Seattle before they boughtrepparttar 130607 farm next to ours. The farm had belonged to a relative of theirs, and they had wanted to live inrepparttar 130608 country again. At one time, they had owned a farm in South Dakota. Hannah had been a kindergarten teacher when they lived in Washington, although she was retired byrepparttar 130609 time they were our neighbors. Asrepparttar 130610 Paulsons grew older andrepparttar 130611 farm became too much for them to take care of, they decided to move back torepparttar 130612 west coast and settled in Oregon. And yet, as I contemplatedrepparttar 130613 letter I had just received at my apartment in Lexington, I still couldn’t figure out who would be writing to me from Seattle. Especially since I knew it wasn’t Hannah.

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