Empower Your People - Give Them Some Control

Written by Martin Haworth

Empowerment and control, so important inrepparttar lives of our employees; our people. For with these two a whole new flowering of capability opens up for them.

Ultimately you too, for that involvement and intimacy with your business, be it small or large, will makerepparttar 136708 difference between failure and success.

Here's why...

It's been a pretty good domestic weekend aroundrepparttar 136709 place - not done a lot, but I have done what I've wanted to do - and that makesrepparttar 136710 difference.

I changed my role when I first leftrepparttar 136711 employed world. Having been a manager for over 25 years. I became a true employee with a manager breathing down my neck. It wasrepparttar 136712 most difficult thing to accept. It wasn't because I could do it better (although, then again...!), more it was that I had just no control at all. And I realised that most people who have jobs are total employees and have little say in what they do or how they do it. They are 'done to' rather than deciding for themselves and getting creative and involved.

Sadly I didn't realise this until I was a manager no longer, but what I did realise and share with you now is that to be totally disempowered in your role is demoralising and depressing.

Top Ten Reasons to Partner with Someone

Written by Alvah Parker

Top Ten Reasons to Partner with Someone Written By Alvah Parker in collaboration with Dovid Grossman

Partnerships come in many forms. There are legal ones such as in business or marriage and there are loose ones when two people come together to work or share ideas but then go on to work or share ideas with others too. I partnered with Dovid Grossman to come up with this list of reasons to collaborate. Dovid was excited about a new partnership he had formed with Chris Vogler author of THE WRITER’S JOURNEY. Dovid and Chris will be working on a series of teleclasses and a book on THE HERO’S JOURNEY FOR PARENTS. Parents – That is a partnership too. So what arerepparttar benefits of collaboration?

1.Share Responsibilities – Somehow with a partner to sharerepparttar 136678 responsibilitiesrepparttar 136679 job doesn’t seem as daunting. Example: For an alumnae function for my college I partnered with 2 other women to haverepparttar 136680 event in my home. We sharedrepparttar 136681 tasks of phoning, shopping, setting up and cooking. None of us could have done it alone.

2.Outsource Your Weaknesses– You do what you are good at and your partner works from his/her strengths. You compliment each other. Example: If you are good at numbers, you dorepparttar 136682 accounting forrepparttar 136683 business while your partner who likes to sell isrepparttar 136684 marketer.

3.Brainstorm With a Buddy – You get your creative juices flowing by coming up with ideas with someone else. Brainstorming alone is not nearly as productive. Example: Try listing allrepparttar 136685 states inrepparttar 136686 US by yourself. Now discard that list and brainstorm a list with a friend. I’ve tried this with many people and invariably two people come up with more than twice as many states asrepparttar 136687 individuals did when working alone.

4.Instant Camaraderie – It is always more fun to work with someone else. Example: The task of putting allrepparttar 136688 books onrepparttar 136689 bookshelves looked tedious for Sal and Cindy. Together they finished quickly and had time to reminisce aboutrepparttar 136690 many books they had enjoyed reading.

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